23 de dezembro de 2009

Journal: Girlhood Studies

We are pleased to announce the latest issue of Girlhood Studies has just been published by Berghahn Journals. This issue focuses on particular girlhood practices—the everyday activities in which some girls engage as part of their ordinary lives. We look at these girls engaging in these practices, sometimes on their own and sometimes in small groups, how and when they engage in them and where they do so. These include the long-standing practice of girls engaging in child care as babysitters, playing with dolls (in the case of younger girls) or reading fashion magazines (in the case of older girls).


14 de dezembro de 2009

Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal (new)

Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal is the journal of The Institute for the African Child at Ohio University. Childhood in Africa is published online on a bi-annual basis. It follows the mission statement and goals of the Institute for the African Child by encouraging holistic approaches to the understanding of and issues impacting children and childhood in Africa.

Childhood in Africa seeks to reflect African and Africanist perspectives regarding children and childhood. It includes all academic disciplines in the discussion of childhood in Africa and also attempts to further the professional interests of Africanists by disseminating knowledge about children and childhood in Africa.

View the journal online at http://www.afrchild.ohio.edu/CAJ/browse/current_issue.html

10 de dezembro de 2009

Knowledge and Voice in Early Childhood - 20th EECERA Conference

The 20th annual conference organised by the EECERA "European Early Childhood Education Research Association" in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) flows from the ethical stance of the Association which sets out a democratic commitment to work towards a more equitable sharing of power and voice in the development of early childhood research, practice and policy.
Sep 6, 2010 - Sep 8, 2010, University of Birmingham, UK

Conferência no ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa

O mestrado em Família e Sociedade do Departamento de Sociologia do ISCTE-IUL tem o prazer de convidar todas e todos a assistir à certamente estimulante Conferência da Professora Rae Lesser Blumberg, Professora de Sociologia na Universidade da Virginia nos Estados Unidos da América e também Professora Emérita de Sociologia da Universidade da California, San Diego.

Conferência Rae Lesser Blumberg
Dia 16 de Dezembro, quarta-feira, 18.30
Sala 329 (Piso 3 da Ala Autónoma).

The "Feminine Mistake": How Textbooks Worldwide Stereotype Women and Ignore their Economic Roles (As Well As How They Combine Work and Family)


Here are three facts: 1. For almost all of human history on Earth, women have combined crucial economic roles with raising their families. 2. In recent decades, female labor force participation and the proportion of women earning income have been rising worldwide and, according to The Economist, have been driving global economic growth. 3. In 2009, women became a majority of the U.S. labor force.  But if you were a visitor from another galaxy and you looked to children’s textbooks to understand about human females and males, you would be convinced that almost no women did anything beyond domestic drudgery and childcare.

Today I’ll present the results of two studies I’ve published in 2009.  One is my UNESCO research on gender bias in children’s textbooks around the world and the other is a cross-historical, cross-societal look at women’s crucial roles in technology and in providing economically for their families.  There is an enormous gulf between these two pictures and, most disturbingly, the one portrayed in the world’s textbooks can be termed the “feminine mistake” for its ignoring of the economic side of women’s dual lives.  And what is perhaps the most amazing is that, except for Sweden, studies of gender bias in textbooks in every country and since 1970 paint the same distorted and inaccurate view of women as almost inconsequential for any human endeavor beyond taking care of house and children.  

9 de dezembro de 2009

27a Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia (RBA) – Belém – 2010

Grupo de Trabalho:
Antropologia da Criança: reconhecendo conhecimentos e saberes infantis
Coordenadoras: Antonella Tassinari e Clarice Cohn
Debatedora: Angela Nunes

Ver aqui o resumo deste e de outros Grupos de Trabalho
Atenção: a data de submissão de trabalhos para GT's foi alterada e será posteriormente divulgada pelo site e boletim informativo. Para manter-se informado sobre a 27ª RBA, acesse o link: http://www.abant.org.br/noticias.php?type=congressoRBA

Rethinking Children/Childhood in the 21st Century

The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities
London - 4th and 5th Feb. 2010

The conference will bring together a wide range of scholars and practitioners from history, law, literature, psychology, sociology to examine the older meanings of childhood and the new attempts to rethink this category in society, both west and east.  One focus will be on public scholarship.  We will examine the literal representations of childhood in the new wave of  “museums of childhood” and their reinvention over the past decade.
“Rethinking Childhood/Children in the 21st Century” will be a two-day conference with round tables, lectures, and films - we hope to invite at least one filmmaker to discuss her work.

4 de dezembro de 2009

Anthropology of Children Seminar - Amsterdam

Next meeting of the Anthropology of Children Seminar:
Cilel Smith (Institute of Education, University of London)
The Global Classroom: Introducing new arrivals, refugees, and travellers children to school settings in the United Kingdom

Thursday 10 December 2009 10.00-13.00
VU University Amsterdam, Metropolitan Building,
first floor, room Z-113

VU University is located at a 10-minutes’ walk from Amsterdam Zuid railway station. The Metropolitan Building is located opposite the University’s main building, across the tramway. Tram stop ‘De Boelelaan / VU’ is served by tram lines 5 and 51.
Confirm your participation in this meeting to childrenseminar@hotmail.com

CFP: Childhood and Youth in Transition


6th -  8th  JULY 2010
Childhood and Youth in Transition
1st call for papers…….

In the context of global social, political and economic changes the conference this year will explore the ways in which these broad shifts are having an impact on ideas of childhood and youth and on children's and young people's everyday lives.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be sent to  the conference administrator, Dawn Lessels, by January 31st 2010. d.j.lessels@sheffield.ac.uk.


2 de dezembro de 2009


UCSIA and the University of Antwerp are pleased to announce the organisation of a two-day international, multidisciplinary conference on children, adolescents & ICT. We welcome a broad audience including researchers, educators, students, policy makers, NGO and industry representatives to share research results and discuss policy and educational issues regarding children’s and adolescents’ use of information and communication technologies.


30 de novembro de 2009

Contextos Educativos na Sociedade Contemporânea (Actas)

As Actas do Encontro "Contextos Educativos na Sociedade Contemporânea", que decorreu em Janeiro de 2009, em Lisboa, estão disponíveis na íntegra (2 volumes), em formato electrónico (já com ISBN), na página da Secção de Sociologia da Educação da APS.

23 de novembro de 2009


Albuquerque NM, February 17-20, 2010

The 2010 SCCR/Society for Cross-Cultural Research conference will be held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Society for Anthropological Sciences (SASci) and the American Anthropology of Children and Childhood Interest Group (AAACIG).
If you have an interest in cross-cultural research, whatever your discipline, you are encouraged to submit. Empirical, theoretical, historical, and methodological submissions related to culture are all welcomed. We also welcome students (both graduate and undergraduate) to submit. The Program Committee and SCCR encourage the inter-disciplinary and international character of the annual meetings.

21 de novembro de 2009

Growing Up In Divided Societies

June 10th -11th 2010, Queen´s University Belfast

The conference aims to bring together scholars whose work focuses on the experiences of children who are growing up in ethnically and politically divided societies. The relative lack of scholarly attention on the subject highlights the need to address this from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, to take stock of what has been done so far, and to reflect on the future study of children in divided societies.

"UN Child Rights treaty 20 years on: Implementation still not satisfactory" says Commissioner Hammarberg

Realising children’s rights requires more than rhetoric – systematic and concrete actions are now needed
[16/11/09] The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has become one of the most well-known and broadly supported international human rights treaties. Practically all the states in the world have ratified it and thereby legally bound themselves to implement its provisions. As a result, the situation of children has been put higher on the political agenda. Yet, the actual implementation of the Convention has been less effective than we anticipated. The main reason is the absence of a systematic, comprehensive approach to children’s rights as a political priority.

CFP: Children and War: Past and Present

Children and War: Past and Present

International multidisciplinary conference to be held at the University of Salzburg, Austria, on 30 September - 2 October 2010. 
Organised by the University of Salzburg and the University of Wolverhampton (UK).
In recent years the volume of international research on 'Children and War', carried out by academics, governmental and non-governmental organisations and institutions as well as the media, has continually increased. At the same time there has been a growing public interest in how children experience military conflicts and how their lives have been affected by war and its aftermath.
Research topics are as varied as the disciplines and interests involved - often acting independently of each other. Therefore it seems time to review current research and to open new perspectives for future work by bringing together scholars from various academic disciplines, practitioners in the field, representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions and the media.
All proposals which focus on any topic and theme on 'Children and War' are welcome, ranging from the experience of war, flight, displacement and resettlement, relief and rehabilitation work, gender issues, persecution, trafficking, abuse and prostitution, trauma and amnesia, the trans-generational impact of persecution, individual and collective memory, educational issues, films and documentaries, artistic and literary approaches, to remembrance and memorials, and questions of theory and methodology.


Call for Papers - Red Feather Journal

CFP: Red Feather Journal, an online, international,
interdisciplinary journal of children’s media culture

Red Feather Journal facilitates an international dialogue among scholars and professionals through vigorous discussion of the intersections between the child image and the conception of childhood, children’s material culture, children and politics, the child body, and any other conceptions of the child within local, national, and global contexts. The journal invites critical and/or theoretical examination of the child image to further our understanding of the consumption, circulation, and representation of the child throughout the world’s visual mediums. We welcome submissions that examine a broad range of medias: children’s film, Hollywood film, international film, Television, the Internet, print resources, art, or any other visual medium. Some sample topics include, but are certainly not limited to: studies of images of children of color; child as commodity; images of children in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, etc.; political uses of the child image; children in film; children in advertising; visual adaptations of children’s literary works; child welfare images; children and war; or any other critical examination of the child image in a variety of visual mediums. Red Feather Journal is published twice a year, in February and September, and adheres to the MLA citation system. Authors are welcome to submit articles in other citations systems, with the understanding that, upon acceptance, conversion to MLA is a condition of publication.
Interested contributor’s please submit the paper, an abstract, and a brief 50-word biography as attachments in Microsoft Word to debbieo@okstate.edu

Deadline for submissions for the February issue is December 15th 2009.

16 de novembro de 2009

Cidade, cidadania e ludicidade

Com a coordenação de José Machado Pais, decorre no dia 18 de Novembro pelas 17h na Sala de Aulas 2 do ICS o Seminário do Observatório Permanente da Juventude com a sessão: "Cidade, cidadania e ludicidade".
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12 de novembro de 2009

25th ICCP World Play Conference

ICCP (International Council for Children's Play) is pleased to announce details and a first call for papers for the 25th ICCP World Play Conference. The venue will be the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal on the 17, 18 and 19 June 2010.

8 de novembro de 2009

Vaga para doutorando em projecto do ICS, Lisboa

Vaga para investigador doutorado em projecto do ICS, Lisboa

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 10:30 AM PST
VACANCY FOR 1 POSDOCTORAL RESEARCHER – Ref. Nr. 14/2009 Vacancy for 1 Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f) Project: Transnational child-raising arrangements between Angola and Portugal Coordination of the Project: Prof. Dr. Marzia Grassi Reference number 14/2009 A 3 years fully funded post-doc position is available within the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) of the Universidade de Lisboa, commencing in January 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter, under the...

Vaga para doutorando em projecto do ICS, Lisboa

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 10:27 AM PST
VACANCY FOR 1 PhD – Ref. Nr. 13/2009 Vacancy PhD (m/f) Project: Transnational child-raising arrangements between Angola and Portugal Coordination of the Project: Prof. Dr. Marzia Grassi Reference number 13/2009 A three-year fully funded PhD studentship is available within the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) of the Universidade de Lisboa. The ICS-UL is looking for a PhD candidate to work on a project on the functioning of transnational...

4 de novembro de 2009

Bullying em contexto escolar

Tese de doutoramento apresentada na Universidade de Granada, em Espanha, e que foi coordenada, entre outros, pela investigadora portuguesa Ana Maria Tomás Almeida, da Universidade do Minho.
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Seminário "Pobreza Infantil"

Em parceria com o IEC/Universidade do Minho, a REAPN - Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza/Portugal vai organizar no dia 20 de Novembro próximo um Seminário sobre o tema genérico da Pobreza Infantil.
Programa e ficha de inscrição em:

3 de novembro de 2009

Visiting Research Fellowships at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Visiting Research Fellowships at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Fellowship Deadline:2010-01-15
Date Submitted: 2009-10-27
Announcement ID: 171529
In January 2010 The Trinity Long Room Hub will award 12 stipendiary and 7 non-stipendiary Visiting Research Fellowships to world-class researchers in the arts and humanities. Applications are welcome from across the entire range of arts and humanities research, but the Trinity Long Room Hub wishes particularly to encourage applications in the following areas of research: children’s literature, art, the creative arts, creativity and the city, digital humanities, medical humanities, and South Asian studies.

Infância, crianças e internet: desafios na era digital

Conferência Internacional

23 e 24/11/2009
Auditório 2
Fundação Gulbenkian
Entrada livre

Programa completo em:


29 de outubro de 2009

Produção cultural para crianças e adolescentes

Um debate veiculado na TV brasileira, que certamente pode instigar a troca de ideias no nosso blog. A socióloga Lúcia Rabello de Castro, nome importante no cenário da Sociologia da Infância no Brasil e a nível internacional, é uma das debatedoras.


26 de outubro de 2009

Concurso para Projectos FCT

A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia abriu concurso para projectos de investigação em todas as áreas. Prazo: 16 de Dezembro 2009.


Concurso Commissão Europeia: Participação de Crianças

A Comissão Europeia lançou um novo concurso, no âmbito do programa global "Investing in People", para promover a participação das crianças.
São Tomé e Príncipe é um dos países elegíveis.
A referencia do concurso é 129133 e destina-se principalmente a Actores Não Estatais. Para mais informação, por favor, consulte o site da Europeaid:


A data limite para submissão das notas iniciais é o dia 18 de Novembro.

14 de outubro de 2009

Childhood and Youth in Transition

Third International Conference:
6th - 8th July 2010
Childhood and Youth in Transition
1st call for papers ......
In the context of global social, political and economic changes the conference this year will explore the ways in which these broad shifts are having an impact on ideas of childhood and youth and on children's and young people's everyday lives.
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12 de outubro de 2009

O Acesso ao Direito e à Justiça da Família em Transformação

Colóquio Internacional
27 de Novembro
Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Primeira mensagem!

Em simultâneo à proposta de realização de um Painel Temático no IV Congresso da APA, sobre a contribuição da Antropologia aos estudos interdisciplinares acerca da infância, cresceu a ideia do NEIJ. A proposta foi submetida ao CRIA, que o acolheu. É um espaço de debate, troca e partilha, ainda e sempre em construção. Gostariamos de contar com os vossos comentários, sugestões e colaboração. Agradecemos antecipadamente!
Um abraço,
Lorenzo Bordonaro
Manuela Ferreira
Ângela Nunes