23 de abril de 2010

International conference: "Children and War: Past and Present"

University of Salzburg (Austria) from Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd 2010

The aim is to bring together scholars from various academic disciplines, practitioners in the field, representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions and the media, who are engaged in research on any topic and theme on ‘Children and War’, ranging from the experience of war, flight, displacement and resettlement, relief and rehabilitation work, gender issues, persecution, trafficking, abuse and prostitution, trauma and amnesia, the trans-generational impact of persecution, individual and collective memory, educational issues, films and documentaries, artistic and literary approaches, to remembrance and memorials, and questions of theory and methodology.
Further information: http://www.wlv.ac.uk/childrenandwar

‘Writing childhood’: Inaugural meeting of the CCWW cross-cultural seminar

The first meeting of this seminar series develops the topic of the CCWW - Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing launch event, held on 16 October 2009, when three authors (from Austria, Italy and Portugal) came to London to read from and discuss their work on 'writing childhood'.
Programme available at:  http://igrs.sas.ac.uk/index.php?id=471

Registrations are still most welcome for the below cross-cultural seminar at IGRS. Bookings and Catering numbers are needed by end of this month. There is no charge for attendance. Refreshments and lunch will be provided, so we would be grateful if participants could register by emailing igrs@sas.ac.uk.

22 de abril de 2010

“Children coming alone as migrants should not be automatically returned” says Commissioner Hammarberg launching the “Human Rights Comment”

[21/04/10 10:00] “Every day unaccompanied migrant children arrive in Europe, but their needs are not always duly met. Whatever possible difficulties of integration and accommodation they might face here, a humane society should take their problems more seriously and avoid sending them back regardless of the consequences.” With these words, Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, published today an article on the rights of unaccompanied migrant children, the first of a series to be published in the “Commissioner’s Human Rights Comment”. The Commissioner observes with concern the practice of quickly returning children to new reception centres established in their country of origin. “Authorities in Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom are reported to be looking into the possibility of sending children back to such institutions in Afghanistan, Iraq or a couple of countries in Africa” he said. (more)
Info: Council of Europe
Link to the "Commissioner’s Human Rights Comment"

Children, Families and the Migration Experience: Opportunities and Challenges

Middlesex University, Hendon Campus
London, NW4 4BT, UK

In recent years new patterns of migration to Britain and other European states have emerged associated with, for example, EU enlargement. These have had diverse implications for family migration strategies. In contrast to historical patterns of migration which were generally perceived as involving long term or permanent settlement, this new migration often involves more transitory patterns of mobility.
Nevertheless, short term stay may be extended over time often leading to family reunion and family formation. The impact of this new migratory strategies, especially on children, is beginning to be explored by
researchers and to spark interest among policy makers and service providers as they respond to new needs, for example of new arrivals in schools. This conference will bring together research on a range of issues
relevant to this new phenomenon.

Specific themes will include:
* Current migration patterns, family strategies and family reunion
* Migrants from the new EU states
* The emotional impact of migration
* New arrivals and the transition to schooling
* Migration, education and parental expectations
* Language acquisition, language transition and bi-lingualism
Full programme and booking form

Simposio Internacional: Procreación, Crianza y Género. Aproximaciones antropológicas a la parentalidad

13 y 14 de mayo de 2010
Sala de Graus - Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Organiza: GETP (Grup d’Estudi Transcultural del Parentiu) - GRAFO (Grup de Recerca en Antropologia Fonamental i Orientada) de la UAB
Comité organizador: Virgínia Fons, Anna Piella, María Valdés

El propósito del Simposio es difundir resultados del proyecto que está desarrollando el GETP (Teoría transcultural de la reproducción de los grupos humanos) y confrontarlos con los de especialistas de otros centros de investigación que trabajan en este área, con orientaciones teóricas distintas, fortaleciendo las redes de intercambio y contraste teórico. El principal objetivo se orienta hacia la presentación de diferentes formas de parentalidad humana y la discusión conjunta en la línea de la propuesta de definición del dominio analítico transcultural de la antropología del parentesco planteada por el GETP. Dicha propuesta analiza el parentesco como el dominio formado por los fenómenos socioculturales vistos desde la perspectiva de la reproducción del grupo a través de la regulación de la procreación, la adscripción y la crianza de los niños; así como por las relaciones y representaciones que se generan y se instituyen entre las personas implicadas en estos procesos.
Info e programa: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grafo/content/simposio-internacional

21 de abril de 2010

Livro "La infancia en el Chile republicano. 200 años en imágenes"

"La infancia en el Chile republicano. 200 años en imágenes" by Jorge Rojas Flores
Edited by Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles, Santiago, 2010, 285 pp.
(illustrated book: more than 600 pictures)

Download from:

Current Sociology

A revista Current Sociology - March 2010, Volume 58, No. 2 - é inteiramente dedicada aos temas da infância e crianças.
Informação enviada pela colega Ethel Kosminsky (obrigada!) ao grupo google Antropologia da Infância e da Criança.

20 de abril de 2010

Conjugalidade e parentalidade nas recomposições familiares

Realiza-se amanhã, quarta-feira, 21 de Abril, a próxima sessão de Workshops de Investigação do CIES, ISCTE-IUL. A sessão "Conjugalidade e parentalidade nas recomposições familiares", será apresentada por Cristina Lobo.
O workshop realizar-se-á, entre as 13h30 e as 14h30, na sala B202 (Ed. II, ISCTE-IUL).

16 de abril de 2010

Ciclo de Cinema: Maus-tratos na Infância

Info: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa

OLHAR-SE AO ESPELHO: Reflexividade – Avaliação – Decisão

Colóquio Escola Pública
Reflexividade – Avaliação – Decisão
22 de Maio
Teatro Diogo Bernardes, Ponte de Lima

O CENFIPE – Centro de Formação e Inovação dos Profissionais de Educação das Escolas Associadas do Alto Lima e Paredes de Coura leva a efeito, no próximo dia 22 de Maio de 2010, no Teatro Diogo Bernardes, em Ponte de Lima, um Colóquio com proeminentes conferencistas no âmbito da Educação nacional e Internacional.
Com este colóquio queremos reflectir sobre as questões teóricas, técnicas e éticas da Avaliação das Escolas destacando aspectos orientadores que possibilitem as melhores escolhas/decisões com vista à melhoria da acção educativa e dos resultados alcançados. Queremos dar um contributo inequívoco no sentido de promover a consolidação de processos de melhoria contínua das Escolas no pressuposto de uma “liderança e mudança educativa sustentável (A. Hargreaves)”.
Mais informações e programa: http://www.cenfipe.edu.pt/

14 de abril de 2010

Bem-Estar das Crianças e Intervenção Contra a Pobreza Infantil

A Rede Europeia Anti- Pobreza Portugal (REAPN) vai realizar durante o mês de Maio de 2010 uma Acção de Formação denominada”Bem-Estar das Crianças e Intervenção Contra a Pobreza Infantil” divida em três Módulos de 6 horas. Esta iniciativa integra-se no âmbito do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Pobreza Infantil que a REAPN dinamiza e que conta com a participação de um conjunto variado de entidades públicas e privadas que trabalham no dominio da infância e de um conjunto de personalidades em nome individual ligadas a Universidades e Centros de Investigação.
A data limite de inscrição é 30 de Abril de 2010.
Mais informações: http://www.reapn.org/

12 de abril de 2010

CFP: Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures

Housed in the Centre for Research in Young People’s Texts and Cultures (CRYTC) and produced under the sponsorship of the Associate Vice-President (Research) and the Dean of Arts at the University of Winnipeg, with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is an interdisciplinary, refereed academic journal whose mandate is to publish research on and to provide a forum for discussion about cultural productions for, by, and about young people. Our scope is international; while we have a special interest in Canada, we welcome submissions concerning all areas and cultures. The focus of the journal is on the cultural functions and representations of “the child.” This can include children’s and young adult literature and media; young people’s material culture, including toys; digital culture and young people; historical and contemporary constructions, functions, and roles of “the child” and adolescents; and literature, art, and films by children and young adults. We welcome articles in both English and French. Jeunesse was formerly Canadian Children’s Literature/Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse.
More information on how to submit papers and how to subscribe can be found on our website: http://jeunessejournal.ca/
Our review essay and forum sections are open access.
To recommend Jeunesse to your institution's library, download our form here


No próximo dia 15 de Abril de 2010, terá lugar no Parque de Exposições da Associação Empresarial de Paços de Ferreira o 1.º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar.
Como refere a organização, o evento "cobre várias áreas da Saúde Escolar: educação, alimentar, actividade física, comportamento alimentar e educação sexual."
INFORMAÇÕES: Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar
Se acha que esta informação é importante para outras pessoas, partilhe-a com elas. Não pare o conhecimento.
E se quiser saber mais sobre nós, visite-nos em http://www.fpce.up.pt/

CFP: Family Policies in International Perspectives

Journal of Child and Family Studies 
Guest Editor: Mihaela Robila, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Family Studies, Queens College,
City University of New York 
The Journal of Child and Family Studies is organizing a Special Issue on “Family Policies in International Perspectives”.  The purpose of this special issue is to provide a comprehensive coverage of family policy issues of international importance and develop a collection of articles that explore the different types of explicit and implicit family policies around the world, with a wide geographical representation, addressing policy development, implementation and evaluation. 
Potential contributors are invited to submit their papers by October 15, 2010.
More info: http://www.editorialmanager.com/jcfs.
For inquires please contact Mihaela Robila, the Guest Editor at Mihaela.Robila@qc.cuny.edu

Starlight and Shadows: Images of Lost and Othered Children in Contemporary Cinema

Seeking original articles for an edited collection about lost and “Othered” children in contemporary cinema (from 1980 to the present). In contrast to traditional portraits of sweetness and light, there is a large body of cinematic works that provide a counter note of darkness to the more common notion of the innocent and pure child. These films depict childhood as a site of knowingness, despair, sexuality, death, and even madness. Starlight and Shadows [tentative title] explores this filmic imagining of the dark side of childhood.
Lost children are involuntary wanderers who are victimized, exploited, abandoned. Children who are “Othered” are forced to the fringes of childhood, are ostracized, ignored, victims of colonization, or part of Diasporas. These children navigate their way through the world living in the shadow of happy families, in murky or threatening environs, or living a form of placelessness. They must depend on their wits or, in some cases, on otherworldly influences. They negotiate a darkness that negates the Romantic view of childhood innocence.
Submissions to Starlight and Shadows can include, but are not limited to, depictions of children negotiating race, gender, class, mental illness, forced migration, superstitions, peer pressure, crime, or other social and material conditions in which the film constructs a child character positioned outside the romantic notion of the child. Essays that take a child-centric approach, interrogate the idea of the Western romanticized child, or that draw upon multi-disciplinary theoretical frameworks including psychology, film studies, literature, women studies, and queer studies are encouraged.  Contributions should be academic in nature and follow MLA documentation.

Contributors please send a 200-500 word abstract, or, if complete, the full essay, a short biography, and complete contact information to Debbie Olson, debbieo@okstate.edu
Deadline for abstracts is August 1, 2010. Full essays are due no later than December 31, 2010.

10 de abril de 2010

CFP: "The Spirituality of Children at War" International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, Volume (15) 2010

This issue will investigate children's spirituality in times of war. The focus will be upon the relationships between children's spirituality and their encounter with trauma, viciousness and atrocity. War will be understood in the widest sense and cover the full range of terrorist attacks, political and religious violence, mass traumatic events, the direct exposure to destruction, chaos, viciousness, atrocity in civil, political, social and cultural arenas and their environmental context.
Guest Editor: Dr Zehavit Gross of the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel. Email: grossz@mail.biu.ac.il. Contributions should be submitted by email and can be emailed by May, 1 2010 directly to Zehavit or alternatively to Dr Cathy Ota, Editor, 31 Vale Road, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1GD, United Kingdom. Email: cathy@cathyota.com

Para pedir o texto completo do CFP: grossz@mail.biu.ac.il