The Contours of Belonging: Legality, Race, Class and Generation in the US
Lecture by Dr. Irene Bloemraad (University of California, Berkeley) followed by discussion.
15 April 2010 – 14.30-16.30 hrs
Venue: VU University Amsterdam, Metropolitan Building, Room Z-113
Abstract: Of the more than 38 million foreign-born residents of the United States, roughly a third are naturalized US citizens, a third are legal permanent residents and a third are undocumented migrants without legal papers. The children of these people, if born in the United States, are automatically US citizens. Traditional accounts of political socialization expect that these children will learn about politics and civic engagement from their parents. But what happens when parents are immigrants, especially when their legal status prevents direct participation in the formal political system?
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Poster of the seminar
Anthropology of Children Working Group