New Orleans, November 17-21 2010
Organizers: Jed Stevenson, Department of Anthropology, Emory University; Peggy Froerer, Department of Anthropology, Brunel University
This panel seeks to take stock of the contributions of anthropology to understanding the impact of school education on processes of socialization and on children’s aspirations in relation to broader processes of social mobility and improved health. It will serve as a forum for a comparative discussion of contemporary ethnographic research on schooling and its effects in diverse, cross-cultural contexts – both through school-based studies that document how formal educational institutions socialize children in relation to future forms of social mobility and health practices, and through population-based studies that elucidate contributions of school experience to later life opportunities and activities.
Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Jed Stevenson ( or Peggy Froerer ( by March 25 for consideration.
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