27 de outubro de 2010



Now Available for free on DVD to teachers worldwide for educational screenings

Armed with digital cameras and their own creativity - young people across the globe are bravely exposing human rights issues faced by themselves and their communities. YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE is a program of short films created by filmmakers under the age of 19. Youth Producing Change is presented by Adobe Youth Voices in association with the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.

8 de outubro de 2010

Europe’s Future: citizenship in a changing world

CiCe Annual Conference 2011
Dublin City University, Ireland
9 - 11 June 2011

The thirteenth annual conference of the CiCe Network has a particular focus on identity and citizenship in a changing world, and aims to give consideration to the experiences and understanding of young people, as well as to educational policy, practice or outcome in order to reflect on, or respond to, the opportunities and challenges that a future Europe may bring. The conference will bring together staff from higher education institutions who educate those in the education and social professions who work with children and young people. Papers at the conference will range from research findings to analysis of practice. We welcome all lecturers and researchers in universities and other higher education institutions with an interest in our themes, as well as those in NGOs and policy fields.

10 December 2010: Deadline for submission of all proposals. Please note that we will not be able to consider proposals received after 10 December

Info: http://cice.londonmet.ac.uk/conferences/main/main_home.cfm

CFP: Multiple Childhoods/Multidisciplinary Perspectives

May 20-21, 2011
Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, USA
Sponsored by the Department of Childhood Studies of Rutgers-Camden (http://childhood.camden.rutgers.edu/), the conference will convene scholars and practitioners from various fields to examine the questions and problems confronting childhoods today.
Keynote speakers: Professor Elizabeth Chin of Occidental College, USA, and Professor Judith Ennew of Swansea University, UK.
Scholars, practitioners and students interested in children and childhood studies are encouraged to attend.
The deadline for submitting abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the program is November 15, 2010. For information, please visit the newly-revamped website http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/multiple-childhoods/ <http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/multiple-childhoods/

7 de outubro de 2010

II Encontro de Sociologia da Educação

Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (MCR)

The Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (MCR) is a part-time international and interdisciplinary postgraduate programme on children's rights, which takes place over a two-year period. The Programme is organised conjointly by the University of Fribourg and the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB), both in Switzerland, and is designed for professionals who work with children’s rights issues, including lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, judges, social workers, government officials, staff of non-governmental organisations, academics and journalists.

The next cycle will start in March 2011.
More info: http://www.iukb.ch/index.php?id=63

6 de outubro de 2010

Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal

DIME is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal focused on critical discourse and research in diaspora, indigenous, and minority education – is dedicated to researching cultural sustainability in a world increasingly consolidating under national, transnational, and global organizations. It aims to draw attention to, and learn from, the many initiatives being conducted around the globe in support of diaspora, indigenous, and minority education, which might otherwise go unnoticed.

DIME invites research from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives that emphasize the centrality of marginal voices and a peripheral gaze, and which draw attention to the complex interrelations between political, economic, historical, and social contexts, as well as the ways in which these various contexts shape educational policies, practices, curricula, and outcomes. The journal welcomes articles that ground theoretical reflections in specific empirical research and case studies of diverse locations and peoples as yet underrepresented within scholarly research and literature, as well as action or participatory research studies of exemplary or “best” practices.

More info: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/HDIM