25 de junho de 2010

Eurochild’s 7th annual conference

Brighter futures - Building effective partnerships to end child poverty
Örebro Castle, Sweden
3-5th November 2010

Eurochild’s 7th annual conference is hosted by the Regional Development Council of Örebro.
2010 is the European Year against poverty and social exclusion. Child poverty is on the top of the political agenda. Eurochild – a European network of organisations promoting the rights and welfare of children in Europe – takes the opportunity of its 7th annual conference to look at how all stakeholders can work together to end child poverty.  The conference is co-hosted by the Regional Development Council of Örebro, member of Eurochild.
Children have the highest stake in an inclusive, prosperous Europe. Poverty and social exclusion are a denial of children’s rights, which can undermine their development and limit the realisation of their full potential. Ending child poverty is the most effective means of achieving long-term social cohesion and equality.

24 de junho de 2010

Consulta pública sobre os direitos da criança

A Comissão Europeia lança uma consulta pública sobre os direitos da criança.

A decorrer de 11 de Junho até 20 de Agosto de 2010, esta consulta tem como principal objectivo ajudar a definir uma nova estratégia da UE sobre os direitos da criança. Abrangerá questões como a justiça adaptada às crianças,a violência contra as crianças, a pobreza infantil e a participação das crianças (disponível em inglês).
A Comissão publicará um relatório de síntese de todos os contributos recebidos no âmbito desta consulta e utilizará os resultados para elaborar uma nova comunicação em matéria de direitos da criança para o período 2011-2014.
Questionários e outras informações:

22 de junho de 2010

CFP: Childhoods Conference: Mapping the Landscapes of Childhood

University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
May 5 – Saturday, May 7, 2011
Submission: October 1, 2010

This multidisciplinary conference will engage scholars and practitioners from a wide variety of academic disciplines (including the sciences, arts, humanities, social sciences, policy studies, and education) in a consideration of the state of child studies, which has changed significantly in recent decades. Disciplines long dedicated to the study of the child, and childhood, have been recently revitalized and are engaged with the central problematic of what the child and childhood represent, including how these categories relate to others such as infant and youth. Figured in the plural, childhoods pose a significant crossroads for theoretical and empirical work on the nature of being human and development broadly construed.(...)

See here complete CFP, deadlines, keynote speakers

21 de junho de 2010

Revue Strenæ (AFRELOCE)

La revue Strenæ est publiée par l’Association Française de Recherches sur les Livres et Objets Culturels de l’Enfance (Afreloce), avec le soutien du Centre National de Littérature pour la Jeunesse – Joie par les Livres / BNF.
Réunissant des chercheurs de toutes disciplines, elle vise à faire connaître et dynamiser les travaux français sur la littérature et l’édition pour la jeunesse, mais aussi sur l’imagerie enfantine, le jeu et le jouet, la culture matérielle et orale de l’enfance, dans une perspective historique, littéraire, esthétique ou encore sociologique. Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique accompagné d’un recueil de varia. La rubrique « Fonds d’archives et collections » présente à chaque fois un fonds particulier, collection de documents mise en valeur par son conservateur ou son inventeur, en vue de sa valorisation par des travaux scientifiques que la revue souhaiterait susciter. Enfin la rubrique « comptes-rendus » offre un regard critique exigeant sur la production scientifique récente consacrée aux livres et objets de l’enfance.

9 de junho de 2010

Crianças na Diáspora Portuguesa - Texto e Fotografias

"Comunidades" (RTP / Açores) convidou-me para escrever um pequeno texto sobre o blogue Crianças na Diáspora Portuguesa e o meu atual projeto de investigação Infância, Migrações e Diversidade Cultural.

Está publicado em duas partes: TEXTO e FOTOS (ou procurem no arquivo na coluna da direita no "Comunidades", dia 6 de Junho de 2010).

Agradeço a Irene Blayer (Brock University, Ontário, Canadá) pelo interesse e disponibilidade.

Ângela Nunes

8 de junho de 2010

IX Congreso de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe

Del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2010 se realizará en Guatemala el IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. Toda la información concerniente como la convocatoria, estructura y metodología, inscripción, actividades preparatorias, auspiciadores y logística se halla en el sitio Web: http://ixeib.org/.

Ya se encuentra en circulación la convocatoria efectuada por un Comité Organizador formado por representantes del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala, organizaciones indígenas, universidades y la cooperación internacional.

Para el efecto se ha constituido asimismo un Grupo consultivo conformado por líderes indígenas y no indígenas, analistas políticos y académicos, y que prestará apoyo académico-político.

El Grupo consultivo funciona como un auditor social a lo externo del comité organizador, tanto en las fases de planificación, ejecución y desarrollo del Congreso, como sus perspectivas de seguimiento y vinculación con las políticas educativas del país anfitrión y los países latinoamericanos convocados.

Violence and liminality: violent transitions from childhood to adulthood in a global context

June 18th

Seminar on Youth and Transition

Violence and liminality: violent transitions from childhood to adulthood in a global context


Moving from the beginning of childhood to the end of childhood, this seminar focuses on the role of violence in the transition to adulthood. The concept behind the seminar is "liminality" or the space between childhood and adulthood. As children or young people enter into this conceptual space, they are particularly vulnerable to being both perpetrators and victims of violence. For boys, especially, the peformance of violence or the ability to withstand violence or pain may be thought of as central mechanisms through which the transition to normative masculine adulthood is made. Through the exploration of these issues, the seminar considers how violence publicly marks boys' transition to hegemonic adult masculinity in the context of political violence

Practitioners/policy: to be confirmed
Academics: Dr Nicolas Argenti, Brunel University; Professor Filip de Boeck, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Dr Margarita Palacious, Birkbeck College.
If you would like to come and you have not already registered please email Karen Wells k.wells@bbk.ac.uk to reserve a place.


7 de junho de 2010

Transnational family making: children, young people and migration (workshop)

Whilst children and young people are often at the core of the migration flows toward EU countries ("on the move", "left behind" or as main "rationale" for migration), they do not always receive the proper academic interest. This workshop aims to explore the migratory experiences of families (including children and young people) and to examine how policy-makers and service-providers assist children and families in this process. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between otherwise separated scholarships on immigration and emigration, by exploring the understanding of migration from home and host societies.
The workshop welcomes presentations that explore children, young people and parents own experiences of migration, but also papers that critically examine the policy provisions and social interventions aimed at children, young people and parents in the origin and arrival countries.

Deadline for online submission: 15 July 2010.
More information at http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/RobertSchumanCentre/Research/InternationalTransnationalRelations/MediterraneanProgramme/MRM/MRM2011/ws12.aspx

Project: Transnational child-raising arrangements between Angola and Portugal (Vacancy)

Coordination of the Project: Prof. Dr. Marzia Grassi

A two-year fully funded post-doc position is available within the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) of the Universidade de Lisboa, commencing in June 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter, under the supervision of Prof. Marzia Grassi.
The ICS-UL is looking for a researcher with a PhD degree in the area of social sciences to work on a project on the functioning of transnational child-raising arrangements for Angolan parents living in Portugal.


1 de junho de 2010

Exploring childhood studies: LISTSERVE at Rutgers University-Camden

The Department of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden are excited to announce a new listserve catering to the multi-disciplinary field of Childhood Studies. Those of us who study issues around children and childhood are in far flung departments and professions, separated by disciplinary boundaries.  This listserve will be a vital point of connection for scholars and practitioners in the multi-disciplinary field and serve a much needed function as a central clearinghouse of information for our disparate field. We welcome Calls for Papers, Announcements of conferences, events, new books, articles and other resources, requests for information, and information on new programs and departments. This list will also provide an opportunity to find people with similar interests across our broad field and open up discussion within it.

To join, please go to: https://email.rutgers.edu/mailman/listinfo/exploring_childhood_studies


Patrick Cox and Anandini Dar
Department of Childhood Studies
Rutgers University-Camden