14 de dezembro de 2011

The Child: A Persons Project

2nd Global Conference The Child: A Persons Project

Saturday 7th July 2012 – Monday 9th July 2012
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom

CFP: After a hiatus of one year, the Childhood Project is returning. This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference project seeks to investigate and explore all aspects of childhood. The period of life prior to adulthood is one of dramatic change and development of physical, intellectual, psychological, and many other types of characteristics. The nature of childhood and its significance as a
separate phase of life, however, is viewed quite differently in different cultures and in different historical eras. This conference will look at all aspects of the experience of childhood as well as the social and cultural perceptions of children and childhood.
Deadline: 13th January 2012

13 de dezembro de 2011

Seminário 'O CENTENÁRIO DA PROTECÇÃO À INFÂNCIA - A protecção dos direitos da criança e a criança imigrante em Portugal'

15 de Dezembro de 2011
Local: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro (CCDRC)

No âmbito da efeméride do Centenário da Protecção Judicial à Infância em Portugal (primeiro com a Lei de 1 de Janeiro de 1911, que criou a primeira Comissão de Protecção de Menores em Portugal e, depois, com a Lei de Protecção à Infância (LPI) de 14 de Junho de 1911), a CPCJ de Coimbra e o ISMT propõem-se debater os problemas actuais, debater os problemas actuais que trazem alguma complexidade acrescida aos Processos de Promoção e Protecção de crianças e jovens em perigo, especificamente os que dizem respeito a crianças filhas de imigrantes.


9 de dezembro de 2011

Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A Compendium of Good Practice

Designed for primary and secondary schools, teacher training institutions and other learning settings, the new tool, which collects 101 exemplary practices from Central Asia, Europe and North America, is a valuable resource for teachers and education policymakers.
It provides resource materials relevant to key elements for successful human rights education, including 1) laws, guidelines and standards; 2) learning environment; 3) teaching and learning tools; 4) professional development for educators, and 5) evaluation.

Free download EN
Free download FR

Sugar and Spice: Global Girlhood in the Cinema/Global Cinema and the Girl

Call for articles

The figure of the girl is an intriguing one for cinema specialists. The focus of angst as possible victim of processes of 'sexualisation', the symbol of (imagined) childhood innocence, a metaphor for the uncertain and precarious nature of subjectivity, the site of intrigue and nostalgia for adults, the figure of the girls speaks to many strands of film theory and history: feminist questions of representation of female subjects, historical accounts of childhood and girlhood in the cinema, and philosophical engagements with the possibilities of the subject in film. Although recent work in sociology and film studies has addressed girlhood in Hollywood cinema as part of interest in post-feminist representations, we seek to complicate this reading through employing a comparative lens in terms of history and geography. This edited collection aims to explore the figure of the girl across time and space in the cinema. We are therefore interested in accounts from different movements and moments in global cinemas on the inflections of this figure. At this stage, we are looking to attract provisional expressions of interest that we will collate and put together as a proposal for a collection with a major publisher.

Deadline: 20th May 2012

For more information please contact Dr Fiona Handyside, University of Exeter (f.j.handyside@ex.ac.uk) or Dr Kate E Taylor0Jones, Bangor University (k.taylor@bangor.ac.uk)

Jornada "À Roda da Brincadeira"

Clique no cartaz para ver o programa e mais infos

Chamada para Artigos: Lúdicamente

Estimados colegas,

Los invitamos a enviar sus contribuciones a Lúdicamente, una revista de investigación sobre juego desde las ciencias sociales.

Convocatoria abierta a contribuciones para el N°1 “Juego y vida cotidiana”, hasta el 29 de febrero de 2012.

Instrucciones a los autores

Se encuentran en la página las dos convocatorias vigentes. Para cualquier consulta o duda no duden en consultar la página www.ludicamente.com.ar y enviarnos un mail desde alli.


9TH-11TH JULY 2012.

To celebrate the 10th year of the establishment of the Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth at Sheffield University, (CSCY) this conference addresses the theme of diversity in the lives of children and young people.

Those wishing to organise small symposia around a specific theme are also invited to submit a proposal.
Abstracts: Abstracts of no more than 200 words (for papers) 400 words (for symposia) should be sent to the conference administrator, Dawn Lessels, by January 31st 2012. E-mail: d.j.lessels@sheffield.ac.uk.
conference page: http://www.cscy.group.shef.ac.uk/activities/conferences/index.htm

CFP ESA Research Network 4. Sociology of Children and Childhood

ESA Research Network 4. Sociology of Children and Childhood
Mid-term Symposium
June 18-20, 2012
University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Call for Papers
Sociology of Childhood – Theorising Childhood
The Research Network, Sociology of Children and Childhood hereby announces the mid-term symposium which will take place in Jyväskylä (Finland) from 18th to 20th June, 2012. The organisation of the symposium will be undertaken at the University of Jyväskylä.

The abstracts must be written in English, be at most 400 words, and include 3-5 keywords. Please submit your abstract and full contact details as electronic files no later than the 28th February 2012. Send the abstract to Tom Cockburn (t.d.cockburn@bradford.ac.uk).
The deadline for notification for abstracts is 31st March 2012.

For further details on the symposium please contact Tom Cockburn (t.d.cockburn@bradford.ac.uk) on +44 1274 233517.

8 de dezembro de 2011

Building Capacity for Ethical Research with Children & Young People (report)

The project has drawn on and enriched the existing knowledge base about ethical research within the Childwatch Network, and capitalised on the information shared at the Child Participatory Research Roundtable at the 2009 Childrens Rights at a Crossroads Conference in Addis Ababa. It has provided useful information about the ethical issues and challenges facing researchers undertaking research with children.
Existing resources and publications that provide guidelines to researchers have been identified and collated. The information can be used to expand the discussion on appropriate Child Research Methodologies, interface with the work of the Childwatch Training Courses for Young Researchers to build research capacity.

1 de dezembro de 2011

CRINMAIL 1253 - 30 nov 2011

In this issue:
Latest news and report: Calls for accountabilit; Petitioning for right; Returning children to a war zon; Children left to die in prison; Governments urged to take bigger step; Hearing children out in parliamen; CRC call for submissions; New online library on educatio.

Upcoming events
To view this CRINMAIL online, click here.

17 de novembro de 2011

Os Direitos das Crianças na Actualidade

Seminário Internacional "Os Direitos das Crianças na Actualidade"

A Amnistia Internacional Portugal organiza um Seminário internacional no dia 19 de Novembro de 2011, no âmbito da celebração de mais um aniversário de dois importantes instrumentos internacionais que protegem os direitos dos mais jovens: a Declaração dos Direitos da Criança e a Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Criança.
O seminário irá ter lugar no Porto, no auditório da Biblioteca Almeida Garrett e decorre durante todo o dia.
A participação é gratuita mas está sujeita a inscrição prévia (aiportugal@amnistia-internacional.pt) e condicionada à lotação do Auditório, pelo que serão confirmadas as inscrições respeitando a ordem da data da sua recepção


27 de outubro de 2011

”Minimising Differences – Celebrating Diversity” in Danish Schools

Anthropology of Children Seminar
Tuesday 15 November, 14.00-15.30
VU University, Amsterdam

”Minimising Differences – Celebrating Diversity” in Danish Schools
Ditte Strunge Sass, Brunel University

More info:


25 de outubro de 2011

CFP International Conference on Learning

CFP: International Conference on Learning and The International
Journal of Learning

On behalf of the Advisory Board, we would like to inform you of the:


Institute of Education, University of London, London, United Kingdom

14 - 16 August 2012

22 de outubro de 2011

Juventudes no contexto transnacional dos países da CPLP

Processos de identificação, expressões culturais e mediações

25 de Outubro de 2011 no ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, sala B102, a partir das 14h

No âmbito do projecto missões exploratórias sobre juventudes no contexto transnacional dos países da CPLP: processos de identificação, expressões culturais e mediações aprovado no âmbito do programa de cooperação em matéria de ciências sociais para a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa – PCS/CPLP, e apoiado pela CNPq sob o nº 490278/2010-8, coordenado pelo Professor Doutor Frank Marcon da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, vai se realizar um encontro aberto ao público de apresentação do projecto e de debate relacionado com o tema, organizado por Lorenzo Bordonaro (CRIA-IUL)

Mais info

17 de outubro de 2011

4th Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society


Call for Contributions and Reviewers
4th Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society
23-28 July 2012, Hotel Concorde La Fayette, Paris (France)
Contributions in all areas of educational research are invited
Deadline for submission: 30 October 2011

More here. URL of Conference website: http://education-conferences.org/default.aspx

5 de outubro de 2011

CFP: Contemporary Youth Resistance Culture: Viability, Relevancy, and Pragmatism

Critical Arts Journal

Theme Editor: Clive W. Kronenberg
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Mowbray Campus, Cape Town

(...) This Call for Papers is concerned predominantly, though not exclusively, with the theoretical substructures that inform and underpin this prevailing universal 'youth resistance culture'. The fact that youths from different parts of the world, on arguably all continents, and almost simultaneously, find themselves entangled in their own, idiosyncratic 'mode of contestation', does suggest the presence of a common set of problems and aspirations, one which traverses human, social, cultural, political, and territorial boundaries. (...)

Deadlines for Abstracts (200 words): 20 January 2012

Deadline for Submissions: 20 June 2012

Submissions, including Abstract, Biographical Note, Key Words, End Notes, and References, in MS Word Format, to be sent via email to The Guest Editor: Critical Arts: Dr Clive W. Kronenberg (kronenbergc@cput.ac.za); Research Fellow: Critical Thinking Group, Education & Social Sciences Faculty, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Mowbray Campus, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa

Seminar on Violence in Adolescence and Youth in Developing Countries

Call for Papers
Asunción, Paraguay, May 2012
Organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Young People’s Life Course in Developing Countries, in collaboration with the Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Población and sponsored by the Asociación Paraguaya de Estudios de Población.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 November 2011

A full announcement and description of this seminar is available at:

29 de setembro de 2011

CFP: Celebrating Childhood Diversity

4th International Conference:

Celebrating Childhood Diversity

Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th July 2012
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

To celebrate the 10th year of the establishment of the Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth at Sheffield University, (CSCY) this conference addresses the theme of diversity in the lives of children and young people.

Those wishing to organise small symposia around a specific theme are also invited to submit a proposal.

Speakers: Jo Boyden; Alan France; Allison James; Peter Moss

See complete CFP here

North African children’s play and toy cultures

Anthropology of Children Seminar
Monday 10 October, 13.00-14.30:

North African children’s play and toy cultures: recent development in research

Jean-Pierre Rossie (associated researcher)
Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, France


28 de setembro de 2011

Famílias no plural: alargar o conceito, largar o preconceito

Acesso dos alunos portugueses às TIC tem vindo a aumentar

      A percentagem de alunos portugueses que, em 2009, tinham acesso ao computador e à Internet é das mais elevadas num universo de mais de 60 países, analisados num relatório recentemente publicado pela OCDE. Em casa, 97,6% e 91,6% dos alunos portugueses tinham acesso ao computador e à Internet, respectivamente; na escola, esses valores são de 91,7% e de 96,5%. A percentagem de alunos portugueses que dispõe de computador e de Internet em casa conheceu uma evolução bastante pronunciada desde 2000: nessa data apenas 56,9% dos alunos com idades entre os 15/16 anos dispunham de computador em casa e 24,3% de Internet.

9 de setembro de 2011

Anthropology of Children Seminar

Tuesday 20 September, 10.30-12.00, VU University, Amsterdam:

The role of children in the French system of child protection: Perspectives of staff and students of Le Collège Coopératif Rhône-Alpes

Confirm your participation in the 20 September seminar to childrenseminar@hotmail.com

More info at www.anthropologyofchildren.net

Chamada para artigos: revista Poiésis

Revista POIÉSIS V.4, Nº 8

Organizadora: Elena Colonna
(Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho-Portugal)
Tema: Estudos com Crianças e Jovens em África, Europa e América Latina.
Envio de Colaboração Até 30 de Outubro de 2011.

Resumo sobre o tema:
O dossier pretende apresentar artigos de pequisadores que têm realizado investigações a respeito de crianças e jovens de diferentes contextos (Portugal, Itália, Alemanha, Cabo Verde, Moçambique e Brasil).


2 de setembro de 2011

Pesquisa e Infância: desafios que as crianças lançam à etnografia

Seminário Internacional

3- 4 Nov. 2011


30 de Setembro

Keynote speaker: 
Pia Christensen

CFP (resumido): Com base na análise da produção científica que hoje em dia faz uso da Etnografia nos vários campos disciplinares a proposta deste Seminário tem a intenção de i) perceber o lugar que as crianças e a infância ocupam nestes estudos e alguns dos paradoxos inerentes ao impacto e tensões que sofrem num espaço-tempo crescentemente globalizado; ii) partilhar e analisar reflexivamente a vivência de dificuldades no nosso próprio fazer etnográfico, em campos disciplinares e contextos de investigação diferentes.

Organização: Sofia Silva (CIIE-FPCE/UP), Manuela Ferreira (CIIE-FPCE/UP) e Ângela Nunes (CRIA-FCSH/UNL)

1 de setembro de 2011

Rede europeia sobre a educação das crianças e dos jovens oriundos da imigração


Prazo: até 14.10.2011

O presente convite à apresentação de candidaturas tem por finalidade reforçar a colaboração à escala europeia entre os decisores ao mais alto nível, os académicos e os profissionais em matéria educativa, com vista a aumentar o nível de instrução das crianças e dos jovens oriundos da imigração. Para esse efeito, o convite pretende apoiar o estabelecimento de uma rede europeia destinada a analisar, desenvolver e a partilhar políticas e práticas neste domínio.


27 de agosto de 2011

CFP 2012 ACYIC Third Annual Meeting

2012 ACYIC Third Annual Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 22-25, 2012

The ACYIG (American Anthropological Association’s Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group) will hold its third annual meeting from February 22-25, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The ACYIG 2012 meeting will be held in collaboration with the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR) and the Society for Anthropological Science (SASci). The conference website can be accessed via the SCCR Website http://www.sccr.org.

If you are interested in organizing a panel or a session, please send your ideas as soon as possible to David Rosen (rosen@fdu.edu). The deadline for final submissions to SCCR is November 30, 2011.

17 de agosto de 2011

Call for Panel Papers: Migrant Children’s Cultures and the Culture of Migrant Childhoods

“Children and Youth in a Changing World”
2012 Inter-congress of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
Bhubaneswar, India during November 26-30, 2012

Immigrant children’s cultures have been re-created across time periods and through various spatial, racial, institutional, and ideological practices. These cultures offer insight into the diverse cultures of children and their societies, and function as sites for analyzing constructions of childhoods. This panel looks at the cultures of migrant children, and engages with the conceptions, contestations, and negotiations of immigrant childhood cultures in their varied possibilities: production, consumption, performance, and embodiment. Migrant children employ various urban spaces, services for their support, along with institutional and familial ideologies, to further deploy new cultural practices in popular culture, food, dress, language, peer groups, writings, and other material, spatial, and literary forms. This panel aims to look at the ways in which migration gives rise to diverse childhood cultures – lived and ideological – across international immigration movements of children and youth. Diverse approaches and methods of exploration of these cultures, in varied texts, and across historical time periods and regions, are especially welcome on this panel.

Please send a 300 word abstract by August 28, 2011 to Anandini Dar: anandini@camden.rutgers.edu.

For more about the conference please visit the conference website: http://www.kiit.ac.in/iuaes2012about.html.

20 de julho de 2011

Adolescent Ambassadors

March 23 - 24, 2012
Workshop at the GHI

German Historical Institute

Washington DC

Adolescent Ambassadors 
20th Century Youth Organizations and International Relations

This workshop seeks to add to the burgeoning historiography on non-state actors in international relations by focusing on youth and youth organizations. Parallel to the proliferation of inter- and transnational organizations around the turn of the century, Western scientists invented the concept of adolescence to demarcate an intermediate period between childhood and adulthood. The contention that adolescence was an unstable life phase, a developmental stage marked by extreme vitality and insecurity, persuaded policymakers across borders to establish domestic institutions designed to shape, educate, and improve an allegedly erratic youth. But...

Complete CFP

International Conference: Child Labour in the Past

The 2011 Fifth International Conference of theSociety for the Study of Childhood in the Past
Child Labour in the Past Children as economic contributors and consumers

University of Cambridge
Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October 2011

The 2011 Autumn conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past will be held in the University of Cambridge from Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October, when the theme will be Child Labour in the Past.  As in previous years, the conference will include sessions addressing the conference and on other aspect of recent research into of children and childhood in the past.

In 2011, the themed sessions will bring together scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines including History, Archaeology, Literature, Sociology and Anthropology to consider different aspects of children and work in the past, including children as economic contributors, children as consumers, the impact on children and society of working in childhood, and changing attitudes to working children. The aim will be to advance cross-cultural knowledge and understanding of childhood and children in the past, and in particular on the nature and impact of work performed by, or for, children in the past.

Speakers are attending from three continents and papers will range across the world from prehistory to the modern day, with a particular focus on the nineteenth century.

In providing this opportunity for scholars of childhood to present their work to an international, interdisciplinary audience, the SSCIP Conference aims to widen knowledge and generate new perspectives on existing knowledge about childhood in the past and to stimulate new avenues for future research.

To find out more and to register for the conference, visit www.sscip.org.uk or contact Dr Carenza Lewis at crl29@cam.ac.uk : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3ER

CFP: Special Issue African Identities: Contemporary Youth Cultures in Africa

Late Modernity, Locality and Agency: Contemporary Youth Cultures in Africa

More than a decade and half ago, Donal Cruise-O’Brien (1996) had declared that the African youth were ‘a lost generation.’ This fatalistic summation of the fate of the African youth was perhaps for good reason. The enormous socio-economic and cultural forces surrounding the lives of young people in Africa were [and still are] simply daunting. And at the very core of this seemingly insurmountable socio-economic atmosphere are the pervasive unjust protocols of postcolonial regimes under which most African youth live. Indeed, more recent scholarship suggests that there is no respite yet for the African youth (See Abbink, Jon and Ineke Van Kessel 2005 & Alcinda Honwana and Filip De Boeck 2005). On account of the inclement socio-economic and political circumstances surrounding young people in the continent, what we are now witnessing across the entire continent is what Mamodou Douf (2003) describes as the “dramatic irruption of young people in both the domestic and public spheres,” putting young people at the very heart of the continent’s socio-economic and political imagination (Durham 2006).

But the challenges facing African youth are not peculiar to them. All over the world, the new sociology of youth points to a growing concern about the ramifications of globalization, late modernity and general global social and economic restructuring for the lives and futures of young people. But amidst the lingering fears of the future of the young, scholars have also called for a deep reflection and rethinking of young people’s own resilience and agency in the midst of these turbulent times. This special issue of African Identities, tentatively entitled Late Modernity and Agency: Youth Cultures in Africa, seeks to reflect on the varied contours of youth responses to social change in Sub-Saharan Africa. While young people in Africa continue to face extraordinary social challenges in their everyday lives, what are the unique ways in which they have reinvented their circumstances to keep afloat in the midst of seismic global social changes? Papers are solicited on a wide range of topics on the African youth that may unravel young people not only as victims but also as active social actors in the face of a shifting global modernity. The themes may include amongst others,

- African Youth and Globalization
- Late Modernity and Social Change
- Youth and Media—Film, Television, Video, Internet, etc
- Hip-hop, Club Cultures and other forms of Popular culture
- Mobility and Social Media
- Gender and New Economies of Youth
- Democracy, Power and Youth Activism
- Youth and Conflict in Africa
- New Subjectivities and Agency
- Neo-Pentecostalism as Subculture
- The Informal Economy and Invented Pathways
- Lifestyles and Identity Constructions
- New Spatial Politics in Public and Domestic Spaces

Abstracts of not more than 500 words (including name, position, institutional affiliation, and email contact) may be sent to P.UGor@bham.ac.uk no later than September 30th, 2011. This special issue of African Identities will be published in the summer of 2012.

Paul Ugor, PhD
Newton International Fellow
Centre of West African Studies
University of Birmingham, UK.
Dr Paul Ugor
Centre of West African Studies
College of Arts and Law
University of Birmingham, UK
Email: p.ugor@bham.ac.uk

19 de julho de 2011

Education and International Development: Why research matters

29 and 30 September, 2011

IS Academie research group on Education and International Development
University of Amsterdam

In this seminar on Education and International Development: Why research matters, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in the field of education and international development will get together to share and discuss current and ongoing research insights, to exchange evidence coming from the field and to build future research agendas. The seminar is oriented towards scholars, students, practitioners and policy-makers operating in the education and development field, but is also open to a broader audience. Please feel free to further distribute this invitation.
Please note that the deadline for subscriptions is August 26th 2011.


CFP Postscript: special edition on Children in Theory

To the degree that it is a social construction, childhood, as an idea, carries with it any number of assumptions and associations. Conversely, as a objective developmental period, childhood is interpreted in wildly different way within different contexts. Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory invites articles for consideration for our Spring 2012 issue, a special edition on the theme "Children in Theory". This issue will examine childhood from a multitude of perspectives. We welcome submissions from any humanities discipline on any aspect of children and childhood. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

-literature or art for children
-representations of children
-care and discipline of children
-the education or instruction of children
-violence toward children
-the perspectives of children themselves
-the displacement of children
-childhood and class
-childhood and gender
-childhood and race

Articles should be between 3000 and 5000 words, reviews should be approximately 1000 words. Please send a Word file, with no identifying details, to the editor at postscript@mun.ca. Please also include on a separate document a brief (300 word) abstract, as well asyour contact information.
The deadline for consideration in this issue is November 1, 2011.

28 de junho de 2011

Colóquio - Investigação Participativa com Crianças

Instituto de Educação - Univ. do Minho,  
Sala 0020 - Entrada livre
Sábado, 02-07-2011

Contacto: Doutora Natália Fernandes
Mais informação aqui

Este colóquio destina-se, preferencialmente, a alunos de mestrado que estejam na fase de elaboração dos seus projectos de investigação, sendo no entanto, aberto ao público em geral, e tem como objectivo a promoção de uma troca de saberes com base em trabalhos de investigação já desenvolvidos a partir desta abordagem metodológica.

24 de junho de 2011



27-28 JUIN 2011





21 de junho de 2011

Infancias y juventudes en América Latina

Red de Posgrados en Infancia y Juventud – Red INJU
'Infancias y juventudes en América Latina: democracia, derechos humanos y

Cartagena, Colombia, del 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011


14 de junho de 2011

Trauma & Transformation

The Catholic Church and the Sexual Abuse Crisis

October 14-15, 2011,
CREOR / Centre for Research on Religion

Montreal, CANADA

Complete CFP

Sexual abuse remains a deep-seated, but largely concealed, problem within human societies. For a variety of reasons the Catholic Church has emerged as the critical "case study" for the sexual abuse of minors and children within institutional settings. As this crisis unfolds, a wealth of data as well as psychological, ethical, legal, historical, and sociological analysis has been generated. The focus of this conference is to capture for the Church, from a wide variety of perspectives, the lessons we have learned from this crisis and to identify some of the way forward.

Child mobility and rural vulnerability in Senegal

Climate change and the role of children in household risk management strategies in rural Senegal
Final project report
June 2010
World Bank Task Managers: Maurizia Tovo, AFTH2, and Junko Saito, WBI
Study conducted by the Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies (Fafo AIS), Oslo, in collaboration with l’École nationale d’économie appliquée (ENEA), Dakar

The fact that so many children leave their parents has been a rising preoccupation among child protection agencies in West Africa over the past decade. Detected cases of abuse and exploitation of these children have caused concern and raised suspicions of organized child trafficking. Yet, in many cases the relocation of children is an important strategy to protect them and enhance their opportunities, and also to help families manage the many risks to which they are exposed. READ COMPLETE REPORT.

Special Issues: Global Studies of Childhood (CFP)

CALL FOR PAPERS - special issue:
Bridging Theory and Practice:
partnerships and collaboration in childhood services

- view details (PDF)

CALL FOR PAPERS - special issue:
Childhood in Literature, Media & Popular Culture
- view details (PDF)

9 de junho de 2011

Children affected by war

ESRC Seminar Series
Violence and Childhood: International Perspectives

Seminar 5:
Children affected by war (with a focus on 'child soldiers')

Thursday 30 June 2011, 10am - 4.30pm
B20 & B04
Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX

This seminar focuses on the impact of war on children and childhood, looking specifically at child soldiers. Although young soldiers are not a new phenomenon, the extreme brutality and brutalising of child soldiers in recent conflicts has made the abolition of the use of children as soldiers a core demand of many international non-governmental organisations and child rights practitioners.

To register for this free event please email Karen Wells (k.wells@bbk.ac.uk)

You can find out more about the whole series at

7 de junho de 2011

Escola e Comunidade / CIED

V Encontro do CIED - Escola e Comunidade
Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa  (ESELx).
18 e 19 de Novembro de 2011

Os resumos deverão ser enviados até dia 15 de Julho de 2011 para o email:

Toda a informação sobre o Encontro encontra-se em