6 de dezembro de 2012

Nordic Network of African Childhood and Youth Research (NoNACYR)

Nordic Network of African Childhood and Youth Research (NoNACYR) aims to enhance collaboration among scholars in Nordic countries who carry out research and teaching in childhood and youth studies focusing on the African continent. The Network comprises key research groups, and PhD and post-doctoral fellows from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Its task includes promoting interdisciplinary dialogue on empirical research findings, collaborative research and publication, and academic and policy debates on research on, about, and/or with children and young people in contemporary Africa. Specific tasks include:
1. To facilitate exchange of research findings and information on African children and youths. This includes theoretical, conceptual, methodological, practical, and ethical knowledge and experiences emanating from diverse disciplines, research projects, and fieldwork contexts.
2. To initiate and foster policy debates between Nordic academics and practitioners on matters affecting children’s and youth’s well-being in contemporary Africa.
3. To institutionalize links between Nordic childhood and youth researchers and students on the one hand and African child researchers and research units on the other.

The network is hosted by Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology, and financially supported by NordForsk for the period of 2012-2014.

Read more at www.nonacyr.com

30 de novembro de 2012

EU Youth Report 2012

EU Youth Report

The EU Youth Report 2012 summarises the results of the first work cycle of the EU Youth Strategy (2010-2012) and proposes priorities for the next three years. It presents new and revealing statistics on how the situation of young people in the European Union has been affected by the financial crisis.

According to the EU Youth Report, nearly all Member States report that the EU Youth Strategy has reinforced existing priorities at national level since it was launched in January 2010. This includes focusing on education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people, promoting social inclusion and health and providing young people with opportunities to take active part in society. The EU Youth Report proposes new priorities for the coming three years. The report highlights that youth employment will remain high on the EU agenda. For the coming years, the Strategy should focus more on the consequences of the current crisis on young people. This means more emphasis on social inclusion and health & well-being.

All Member States have submitted national reports which feed into both the Communication and the SWDs. Young people have been consulted in drawing up these reports, and different ministries have contributed. All national reports are posted here.

28 de novembro de 2012

CFP: À quelle discipline appartiennent les enfants?

À quelle discipline appartiennent les enfants ?
Croisements, échanges et reconfigurations de la recherche autour de l'enfance
Organisées par Le groupe « Sciences de l’enfance, enfants des sciences »

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales,
Salle Lombard - 96, bd. Raspail
75006 Paris
23-24 mai, 2013

Ouvert jusqu'au 15 janvier 2013 

27 de novembro de 2012

Publicação: Historia de la infancia en América Latina

Nuevas miradas a la historia de la infancia en América Latina: entre prácticas y representaciones
Coordinación de Susana Sosenski y Elena Jackson Albarrán, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 2012, 336 p., ilustraciones, cuadros (Serie Historia Moderna y Contemporánea 58). ISBN 978-607-02-3501-6


22 de novembro de 2012

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar
Friday 14 December, 13.00 – 14.30, room Z-007, VU University, Amsterdam:

“Continuities, conflicts and ruptures: Confronting inequality in gender relations,
corporal and emotional practices among the Basque youth”

Margaret Bullen, Carmen Diez, Mari Luz Esteban, and Jone Miren Hernández,
University of the Basque Country


17 de novembro de 2012

Where Children Sleep

Where Children Sleep - stories of diverse children around the world, told through portraits and pictures of their bedrooms. A book by James Mollison


10 de novembro de 2012




12-14 June 2013, Tallinn University, Estonia
Organised by the Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn University

Abstracts, written in English, should be submitted online before 31 January 2013. Go directly to the submission form: http://www.tlu.ee/nyris12submissions.
The registration will open in January 2013 and will continue until May 2013. The official language of the conference is English.
For more information about NYRIS 12 and the Call for Papers please see http://www.tlu.ee/nyris12 or write to nyris12[at]tlu.ee.

Tempos de Misturas: Estilos e Sexualidades em Interações Juvenis

Seminário Mundos Juvenis 2012/2013

Tempos de Misturas: Estilos e Sexualidades em Interações Juvenis

Alexandre Martins Joca
(Universidade Federal do Ceará)

14 de Novembro
h. 17.30
ICS (Lisboa), Piso 0, Sala 3

6 de novembro de 2012

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar

Transforming child and youth social services: a European comparison
Caroline Vink, senior expert Netherlands Youth Institute

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar, Friday 16 November, 13.00-14.30, room Z-113 @ VU University, Metropolitan Building. Confirm your participation: childrenseminar@hotmail.com

4 de novembro de 2012

International conference: The child’s room as a cultural microcosm

National Museum of Education, Rouen, France
8 – 10 April 2013
Organisers : National Museum of Education/CNDP, University of Paris 13 (EXPERICE), University of  Poitiers (CEREGE). With the support of the ANR, research programme Children’s possessions at home

Key words : child’s room, domestic space, material culture, children’s culture, children’s
consumption, childhood objects, cultural represe

Youth Studies Conference 2013

New Agendas on Youth and Young Adulthood 

University of Glasgow
8th to 10th April 2013 

Deadline: 1st December

The programme will include a mix of keynotes by leading researchers in the field, roundtable sessions focused on topical issues and theoretical concerns, and themed paper sessions. We encourage both new and experienced researchers and people from the Global  South as well as the Global North.

CFP: Childhood & The Media, 25th IAMHIST Conference


17-20 JULY 2013
Papers are invited for the biennial IAMHIST (International Association of Media and History) Congress, to be held at the University of Leicester, UK, on the theme of ‘Childhood and the Media’. 
Proposals for papers should be sent to: iamhist2013@le.ac.uk. Please include an abstract of c.300 words, a brief biographical note, your institutional affiliation (where relevant) and your contact details (including your email address). We welcome proposals either for individual papers or for self-constituted panels of 3-4 papers. We envisage that papers will be 20 minutes plus time for questions and discussion. 
Closing date for proposals: 15 December 2012
Info & CFP complete

1 de novembro de 2012

Meeting ACYIG em San Diego

For the first time the Society for Psychological Anthropology biennial meeting will be held jointly with the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG).  The meeting will be April 4-7, 2013 in San Diego, CA.
To submit paper and panel proposals please go to
The submission deadline is December 18, 2012. 

5 de outubro de 2012

CFP: Children’s Literature and Media Cultures

21st biennial conference of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature on “Children’s Literature and Media Cultures”
August 10-14, 2013
Maastricht, the Netherlands

Deadline Prolonged until November 15, 2012


1 de outubro de 2012

III Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Literatura Popular Infantil


Girlhood Studies and the Politics of Place: New Paradigms of Research

Wednesday, October 10th – Friday, October 12th
With keynote speaker Prof. Catherine Driscoll from the University of Sydney (Australia) and one of the founders of the international field of Girlhood Studies.
At Thomson House: 3650 McTavish, McGill University (downtown campus), Montreal, Canada.
More info HERE

Ludicamente: CFP "Juego y espacios lúdicos"

Convocatoria para la presentación de artículos para el número 2 de la revista, "Juego y espacios lúdicos"

El juego se desarrolla cotidianamente en diferentes espacios. Las maneras en que los jugadores eligen dónde jugar dan cuenta de una gama de opciones con la que cuentan. Del mismo modo, la restricción de espacios de juego condiciona, claramente, el juego. El número 2 de la revista Lúdicamente abordará los espacios del juego tradicionales como la plaza, la escuela, la casa y la calle y los más novedosos como cybers o ludotecas públicas. La relación entre los juegos desarrollados, los espacios y los roles que en ellos asumen los jugadores operan como organizadores de la práctica. Es por ello que convocamos a la publicación de trabajos que problematicen la relación entre el juego y los espacios a él destinados como manera de aproximarnos a la complejidad de la práctica desde diferentes ángulos de análisis. 

Fecha límite de recepción de trabajos: 20 de octubre de 2012 
Los artículos deben enviarse a través del portal:

Seminar: Crossing Life’s Thresholds and Entering Liminal Space

29 de setembro de 2012

I Colóquio Internacional Diálogos Juvenis (Brasil)


Unprotected Unaccompanied Children in Europe: Which reasons lead to their lack of protection?

International conference: 23 - 24th of October 2012 (registration required)
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
University of Poitiers/Université de Poitiers, France

The conference will propose an open platform of discussion between academics, institutional actors, practitioners and advocates coming from different countries on various aspects regarding unprotected unaccompanied children. This international and multidisciplinary analysis (legal, sociological, psychological, comparative, etc) aims at developing further knowledge on this insufficiently studied group and to open new perspectives of reflection and action to promote unprotected unaccompanied children’s access to their fundamental rights. 


28 de setembro de 2012

Occasional Papers invites contributions to a special issue on After-School Time

After-school time, once reserved primarily for informal social activities, has become a source of increasing concern for adults who see these hours as crucial to the academic and social development of healthy young people. Much of the research and policy related to after-school time echoes these concerns, placing emphasis on the need for structure and surveillance, and focusing on assessment-driven outcomes. Yet, for many children and youth, the after-school hours are more than “school outside of school,” providing a space for autonomy, non-school activities, or “hanging out” with friends, on or offline. With potential differences in adult and youth perspectives in view, this special issue of the Bank Street Occasional Papers seeks to answer the questions: What do young people value about their out of school hours? What else might after-school time offer, other than more school?

Read more HERE

12 de junho de 2012

CPF Global Studies of Childhood

Global Studies of Childhood (GSC) is a peer-reviewed, internationally focused, online research journal. The journal provides an opportunity for researchers, university and college students and professionals who are interested in issues associated with childhood in education, family, and community contexts from a global perspective to present, share and discuss their work. GSC aims to present opportunities for scholars and emerging researchers to interrogate the ways in which globalization and new global perspectives impact on children’s life experiences.

11 de junho de 2012

Children’s Rights (video)

What are the rights of children? What is our responsibility, as citizens of the world, to defend them? A uniquely qualified panel of authors and activists, including Khmer Rouge Genocide survivor Arn Chorn-Pond, discuss the global state of children’s rights. Drawing on both scholarship and personal experience, in this “Year of Janusz Korczak,” commemorating 70 years since the children’s rights pioneer perished at Treblinka with his charges from the Warsaw Ghetto orphanage, the panel will explore the history of the Children’s Rights Movement and how past atrocities can inform contemporary advocacy on local, national, and global scales, paying particular attention to ongoing violations in Uganda by the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Free and open to the public:

Site oficial

17 de maio de 2012

CODESRIA: Instituto sobre Criança e Juventude 2012

Instituto sobre Criança e Juventude 2012 : Jovens, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento em África 

Prazo : 22 de Junho de 2012

O Conselho para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências Sociais em África (CODESRIA) tem o prazer de anunciar o seu Instituto sobre Criança e Juventude 2012 que será realizado durante três (3) semanas, do dia 3 ao dia 21 de Setembro de 2012. Este instituto é uma das componentes do Programa de Estudos sobre Infância e Juventude e destina-se a reforçar as capacidades analíticas dos jovens investigadores africanos em questões que afectam as crianças e os jovens em África e em outras partes do mundo. O instituto foi concebido como um fórum interdisciplinar anual no qual os participantes podem reflectir em conjunto sobre um aspecto específico das condições das crianças e dos jovens, especialmente em África.

Mais informações aqui

10 de maio de 2012

III Seminário de Grupos de Pesquisa sobre crianças e infâncias: Políticas e desafios na produção da pesquisa

22 a 24 de agosto de 2012
Aracaju, SE

O GRUPECI, Seminário de Grupos de Pesquisa sobre Crianças e Infâncias, tem por objetivo promover e ampliar o diálogo entre as diferentes áreas de conhecimento que têm como temática os estudos das crianças e suas infâncias. É um evento que se caracteriza pela interlocução entre grupos de pesquisa e pela apresentação de trabalhos de forma articulada no interior dos grupos. Nossa temática no encontro de 2012 será: políticas e desafios na produção da pesquisa.

9 de maio de 2012

Infancia latinoamericana

La revista Infancia latinoamericana pretende articular una red entre profesionales del campo de la infancia, para crear un medio de comunicación e intercambio de ideas y experiencias pedagógicas, un instrumento de reflexión y colaboración desde la práctica y la teoría, al servicio de la formación continua de los profesionales de la educación infantil y para la renovación pedagógica.La revista es gratuita. Para poder leerla es necesario subscribirse.

4 de maio de 2012



MAY 29-30, 2012


Keynote speakers

Allan Young
Rayna Rapp
Richard Rechtman


Dimitris Papadopoulos
Dominique Béhague
Ilina Singh
Jonah Steinberg
Kathryn Goldfarb
Krista Maxwell
Lydia Krabbendam
Mara Buchbinder
Matt Smith
Michalis Kontopodis
Ofra Koffman
Samuel Lézé
Sandra Evers
Stefan Ecks

For more information: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/sss/anthropology/news-and-events/
To register: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/crimaworkshop-bookings

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar

 Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar
Monday 14 May,14.00-15.30:

The impact of teachers’ attitudes on adolescents’ learning potential

Emmy de Kraker-Pauw
PhD student Department of Educational Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Education & LEARN Institute, VU University Amsterdam

More info at www.anthropologyofchildren.net

24 de abril de 2012

V Congreso Mundial por los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia - NOVOS PRAZOS

El "V Congreso Mundial" centrará sus reflexiones sobre la Infancia y la Adolescencia y los procesos de cambio social: la Infancia como posibilidad de cambio y emancipación y a su vez, cómo los cambios sociales de todo orden afectan a la Infancia y a la Adolescencia.


Fecha límite - Deadline Abstracts:
01 de JUNIO / JUNE 01 / 01 JUIN/ 01 de JUNHO
Fecha límite - Deadline Trabajos:
31 agosto 2012
Fecha límite - Deadline Foros:
01 de JUNIO / JUNE 01 / 01 JUIN / 01 de JUNHO

CFP completo AQUI

11 de abril de 2012

Criança Indígena e seus Direitos Fundamentais (1º Ciclo de Debates)

O Ciclo de Debates sobre a criança indígena, apresenta a visão de vários observadores, contribuindo com o reconhecimento de todas as responsabilidades envolvidas que, solidárias, propagam-se em diversos setores dentro de um contexto multidisciplinar.


30 de março de 2012

Teenagers and Contemporary Visual Culture

25 – 27 September 2012
Mansfield College, Oxford,
United Kingdom

This conference looks to examine, explore and discuss the prevalence of representations of teenagers within contemporary visual culture. Whether as a focus for consumption, entertainment or individual and social expression the teenager, as seen in its myriad manifestations within popular culture and the media would seem to express something about the world in the 21st Century and beyond but does it allow for teenagers themselves to address the nature of their own identity and individual agency within an increasingly implicated and convergent world?

V Congreso Mundial - Por Los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia

El "V Congreso Mundial" centrará sus reflexiones sobre la Infancia y la Adolescencia y los procesos de cambio social: la Infancia como posibilidad de cambio y emancipación y a su vez, cómo los cambios sociales de todo orden afectan a la Infancia y a la Adolescencia.
Plazo entrega FOROS: 31 Marzo 2012
Plazo entrega ABSTRACTS: 30 Abril 2012
Plazo entrega TRABAJOS: 31 Agosto 2012
CFP completo AQUI

29 de março de 2012

Juventude e Práticas Artísticas e Culturais nas Metrópoles

Chamada Pública para o dossiê especial da Revista Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia “Juventude e Práticas Artísticas e Culturais nas Metrópoles”
Editores convidados: Andréa Barbosa e José Carlos Gomes da Silva
Data final para submissão: 15 de maio de 2012
Ver CFP completo