14 de dezembro de 2010

Participatory Ontologies and Youth Cultures

The Centre for Research in Young People's Texts and Cultures is pleased to announce that the 2010 Winter Issue of Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is now available! Issue 2.2 features the forum entitled "Participatory Ontologies and Youth Cultures." This forum contains pieces from Stuart Poyntz, Zoë Druick, Clare Bradford, and Darin Barney, and it is open access at http://jeunessejournal.ca <http://jeunessejournal.ca/> .

The editorial by Mavis Reimer and review essays are also open access.

1 de dezembro de 2010

Crianças Nordestinas (Brasil) / Pensando a infância do ponto de vista da antropologia

(chamada para artigos)
Organizadoras: Emilene Sousa & Flávia Pires

Car@ Colega,

Depois de coordenar e participar de vários GT e ST em diversos eventos científicos nacionais que discutem a temática da antropologia da infância e da criança, detectamos uma carência em publicações de estudos antropológicos realizados com crianças Nordestinas. Ao mesmo tempo, descobrimos várias pesquisas em andamento ou recentemente concluídas que atestam a vitalidade do tema.
Gostaríamos, então, de convidá-lo a submeter um artigo para compor o livro CRIANÇAS NORDESTINAS, uma coletânea de artigos antropológicos. É preciso que o artigo problematize o que é ser criança no Nordeste, a partir de recortes locais: crianças indígenas, crianças urbanas, crianças camponesas, etc, com foco no trabalho de campo e na etnografia.

Especificações do artigo: Times New Roman, espaço 2, margens 2,5 (direita, esquerda, inferior, superior); 20-30 laudas; Prazo: Dezembro 2010.
Esperando poder contar com a sua valiosa contribuição,

Emilene Sousa (UFMA) & Flávia Pires (UFPB)
Emilene Sousa - emilenesousa@yahoo.com.br
Flávia Pires - ffp23279@gmail.com

29 de novembro de 2010

Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Brasil) em revisão para não discriminar crianças indígenas

Gilberto Costa
Repórter da Agência Brasil
O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) que completa 21 anos em 2011 poderá ser reformado para não discriminar práticas de socialização das crianças indígenas. Um diagnóstico sobre a violação de direitos e a atual situação de crianças e adolescentes indígenas apontam que há diferenças de visão sobre o que é considerado violência e agressão contra as crianças.
Notícia completa: Agência Brasil

22 de novembro de 2010

Culturas Infantis e Culturas Juvenis: dos silêncios à sua polifonia

O dossiê Culturas Infantis e Culturas Juvenis reúne artigos de pesquisadores engajados na superação de abordagens da infância e da juventude focadas somente em perspectivas cronológicas que normatizam suas etapas, idades,/ou fases da vida. Os autores focalizam crianças e jovens como agentes, potentes e capazes de transformar e criar novas relações nas instituições educativas (Prefácio).


Revista Momento / Diálogos em Educação

Vol. 19, No 1 (2010) Publicação online


15 de novembro de 2010

LSE Research: Opportunities and Risks for Children Online

Interview with researchers

With 65% of Europeans now online (source: ITU, 19/10/10), what effect is this having on children? What type of material are children exposed to through the internet? How do online risks compare to offline risks?

Funded by the EC's Safer Internet Programme, Professor Sonia Livingstone, head of LSE's department of Media and Communications, led a survey of 23,420 children and their parents in 23 European countries to systematically investigate the opportunities and the risks children are exposed to online. Their results are published in the EU Kids Online report, Risks and Safety on the Internet, available at:

9 de novembro de 2010

The rights of the child in the context of migration (report)

Study of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on challenges and best practices in the implementation of the international framework for the protection of the rights of the child in the context of migration.
This report seeks to set out the specific standards and principles that inform the international framework of protection of the rights of the child in the context of migration. It examines challenges in the practical  implementation of this framework, and notes some best practices in terms of legislation, jurisprudence and joint efforts at the bilateral, regional and international levels. The report ends with conclusions and recommendations which aim to strengthen the implementation of the international framework and better protect the rights of the child in the context of migration.
Complete report

8 de novembro de 2010

Children's experience of the Children Act 1989

By Roger Morgan,
Children's Rights Director for England.


This article sets out the views and experience of children and young people on selected major aspects of their lives which are governed by provisions in the Children Act 1989. It draws on extensive statutory consultations with children in care, receiving children's social care services, or otherwise living away from home, carried out over the past eight years by the Children's Rights Director for England. (...)

27 de outubro de 2010



Now Available for free on DVD to teachers worldwide for educational screenings

Armed with digital cameras and their own creativity - young people across the globe are bravely exposing human rights issues faced by themselves and their communities. YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE is a program of short films created by filmmakers under the age of 19. Youth Producing Change is presented by Adobe Youth Voices in association with the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.

8 de outubro de 2010

Europe’s Future: citizenship in a changing world

CiCe Annual Conference 2011
Dublin City University, Ireland
9 - 11 June 2011

The thirteenth annual conference of the CiCe Network has a particular focus on identity and citizenship in a changing world, and aims to give consideration to the experiences and understanding of young people, as well as to educational policy, practice or outcome in order to reflect on, or respond to, the opportunities and challenges that a future Europe may bring. The conference will bring together staff from higher education institutions who educate those in the education and social professions who work with children and young people. Papers at the conference will range from research findings to analysis of practice. We welcome all lecturers and researchers in universities and other higher education institutions with an interest in our themes, as well as those in NGOs and policy fields.

10 December 2010: Deadline for submission of all proposals. Please note that we will not be able to consider proposals received after 10 December

Info: http://cice.londonmet.ac.uk/conferences/main/main_home.cfm

CFP: Multiple Childhoods/Multidisciplinary Perspectives

May 20-21, 2011
Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, USA
Sponsored by the Department of Childhood Studies of Rutgers-Camden (http://childhood.camden.rutgers.edu/), the conference will convene scholars and practitioners from various fields to examine the questions and problems confronting childhoods today.
Keynote speakers: Professor Elizabeth Chin of Occidental College, USA, and Professor Judith Ennew of Swansea University, UK.
Scholars, practitioners and students interested in children and childhood studies are encouraged to attend.
The deadline for submitting abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the program is November 15, 2010. For information, please visit the newly-revamped website http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/multiple-childhoods/ <http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/multiple-childhoods/

7 de outubro de 2010

II Encontro de Sociologia da Educação

Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (MCR)

The Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (MCR) is a part-time international and interdisciplinary postgraduate programme on children's rights, which takes place over a two-year period. The Programme is organised conjointly by the University of Fribourg and the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB), both in Switzerland, and is designed for professionals who work with children’s rights issues, including lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, judges, social workers, government officials, staff of non-governmental organisations, academics and journalists.

The next cycle will start in March 2011.
More info: http://www.iukb.ch/index.php?id=63

6 de outubro de 2010

Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal

DIME is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal focused on critical discourse and research in diaspora, indigenous, and minority education – is dedicated to researching cultural sustainability in a world increasingly consolidating under national, transnational, and global organizations. It aims to draw attention to, and learn from, the many initiatives being conducted around the globe in support of diaspora, indigenous, and minority education, which might otherwise go unnoticed.

DIME invites research from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives that emphasize the centrality of marginal voices and a peripheral gaze, and which draw attention to the complex interrelations between political, economic, historical, and social contexts, as well as the ways in which these various contexts shape educational policies, practices, curricula, and outcomes. The journal welcomes articles that ground theoretical reflections in specific empirical research and case studies of diverse locations and peoples as yet underrepresented within scholarly research and literature, as well as action or participatory research studies of exemplary or “best” practices.

More info: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/HDIM

15 de setembro de 2010

Submissions ACIG Newsletter, Oct 2010

Desculpem... é um bocado em cima da hora, mas cá vai...

September 15th, is the deadline for all item submissions for consideration for the October, 2010 issue of the ACIG Newsletter. Please submit items online to editor, Rachael Stryker, at: rstryker@mills.edu We look forward to receiving any of the following items:
- Column Submissions (Methods and Ethics in the Anthropology of Childhood; Childhood & _______ ; Favorite Ethnographies of Childhood; My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children)
- Letters to the Editor
- New Book Announcements
- Professional Opportunities and Upcoming Events
- Member News/Professional Updates
- Photos from Fieldwork
AAA Children and Childhood Interest Group

CFP: Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times and Spaces

32nd Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum
"Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times and Spaces"
February 25 - 26, 2011

NOTIFICATION: early November, 2010

Jan Blommaert, University of Jyväskylä, Finland and Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Gerald Campano, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Norma González, University of Arizona, USA
Stacey J. Lee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

More on the forum website: http://www.gse.upenn.edu/cue/forum/proposals
Info: cue@gse.upenn.edu

Children's Voices. Experiences and Perceptions of European Children on Drug and Alcohol Issues

Report: http://www.crin.org/docs/ChildrenVoices.pdf

The purpose of this paper is to give meaning and insight into some of the key drug and alcohol issues that affect children from the perspectives of the children themselves. It is not to estimate the relative magnitude of a specific drug or alcohol problem or the numbers of children affected by it. Each section of this paper will be preceded by one or two key statistics and whilst the quotations that follow may highlight a need to develop more robust and detailed statistics on a key issue, the overriding objective is to give the children a voice.


DPR10: Discourse, Power, Resistance conference 2011

University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, 13-15 April 2011
Sponsored by the School of Secondary and Further Education Studies

The DPR conference returns to Plymouth in its tenth year, bringing together learners, teachers, researchers and policy-makers from the international education community to look at the crises in contemporary education, not just at post-compulsory level but across the board from pre-school to post-graduate. The need for change in education has never been more urgent. The conference will bring colleagues from around the world to think radically about education changing, and needing to change.


Paris (France), Hotel Concorde La Fayette, 20-23 July 2011
The Conference will be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives and advanced students interested in Education. All areas of Education are invited. Proposals are in the form of abstracts. Presentation formats include individual paper sessions, symposia, workshops, roundtables and poster sessions. Languages of the conference: English and French.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 October 2010. Closing date for early bird registration: 28 February 2011. For further information, submission and registration:

4 de agosto de 2010



El mismo se dictará en la FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y LETRAS de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES durante el 2° cuatrimestre los días miércoles de 13 a 17.

Los objetivos del curso son: a) Revisar la contribución de los estudios antropológicos para el conocimiento de la niñez y sus problemáticas contemporáneas. b) Discutir las posibilidades de la metodología del trabajo de campo etnográfico en investigaciones sobre y con niños. c) Estimular en los/as estudiantes asistentes el manejo crítico y analítico de la bibliografía trabajada.

Para ver las fechas de inscripciones: www.filo.uba.ar

27 de julho de 2010

CFP: Juvenile Delinquency in the 19th and 20th Centuries: East-West Comparisons

12th and 13th March 2011
Centre for British Studies
Humboldt University, Berlin

Abstract deadline: 15th October 2010

The history of juvenile delinquency has too often been written from an exclusively national perspective with little in the way of comparative or transnational studies. Particularly lacking are comparisons between the construction and understanding of juvenile delinquency in the cultural fields of East and West. How have attempts to define and problematise child and youth behaviours differed between Eastern and Western cultures? Have children and childhood been imagined differently in East and West? How have cultural constructions of the young affected the ways in which the behaviour of children and young people has been classified and understood in different societies? Is juvenile delinquency a peculiarly western idea?
This two-day conference seeks to bring together scholars at all levels working in a variety of fields including history, sociology, literary studies, geography, anthropology and ethnography, to discuss these and related questions. It is hoped that such discussions will lead to a more nuanced understanding of the ways in which concepts of childhood, youth and delinquency have been shaped by particular cultural contexts.

Complete CFP and information

21 de julho de 2010

Global Studies of Childhood (new online research journal)

Global Studies of Childhood (GSC) is a peer-reviewed, internationally focused, online research journal. Its first issue will be published in March 2011. The journal provides an opportunity for researchers, university and college students and professionals who are interested in issues associated with childhood in education, family, and community contexts from a global perspective to present, share and discuss their work. GSC aims to present opportunities for scholars and emerging researchers to interrogate the ways in which globalization and new global perspectives impact on children’s life experiences.

Read more

13 de julho de 2010

CFP: Fear and Safety in Children's Literature


Children's literature has always been responsive to the tenor of the times. Texts for children and young adults take up the social, political, and humanistic interests and ideologies of the past and present, as well as speculate about the future. Since the earliest fairy tales, children´s writers have given imaginative interpretation to the darker, riskier side of society, while also offering reassurance, hope, and celebration of the human spirit.

The Congress will address a range of critically important topics, texts, and theories related to the theme of Fear and Safety in Children´s Literature. Confirmed keynote speakers are: Professor Mavis Reimer, Canada Chair in the Culture of Childhood, University of Winnipeg; Professor David Buckingham, Director of the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, London University (UK); and Professor Gillian Whitlock, University of Queensland (Australia).

*Submissions for abstracts open: 19 July 2010.*
*Closing date:* *November 1, 2010*.

Please visit the Congress website for details: http://irscl2011.com/

Democracia, liberdade e disciplina na escola pública

Universidade do Minho - 15 a 18 de Julho
V Curso de Verão, Círculo de Saberes 2010, DEMOCRACIA, LIBERDADE E DISCIPLINA NA ESCOLA PÚBLICA, orientado por Carlos Gomes, Almerindo Afonso e Carlos Estêvão.
Esta iniciativa é particularmente dirigida a professores dos vários ciclos de ensino, membros de órgãos de Direcção e Gestão de Escolas e Agrupamentos e de organismos da administração da educação, pais e encarregados de educação, técnicos de educação, responsáveis autárquicos, animadores educativos e culturais, formadores e outros membros e dirigentes associativos e sindicais envolvidos na educação.
Este Curso tem como objectivos:
- Problematizar sociologicamente os conceitos de liberdade, de autoridade e de disciplina.
- Proporcionar instrumentos de análise sociológica da complexa relação entre liberdade, autoridade e disciplina.
- Proporcionar orientações para uma acção sociologicamente fundamentada no desempenho de funções educativas e pedagógicas.
- Visibilizar a relevância e a utilidade da análise sociológica da educação.
- Visibilizar os contributos da sociologia da educação na investigação e análise da relação educativa e pedagógica.
Contacto para mais informações: calexandra@ie.uminho.pt

9 de julho de 2010

Temas de Música e Comunicação para a Infância (Seminário de Doutoramento)

Caros colegas
Coordenador(es) de Doutoramento e Coordenador de Departamento de Antropologia, Investigação

Vimos dar conhecimento do programa e conteúdos do seminário (opção livre) de Doutoramento - Temas de Música e Comunicação para a Infância - oferecido pelo CESEM de forma a poderem ser divulgados junto dos alunos de doutoramento 

Com os nossos melhores cumprimentos
Ana Monção e Helena Rodrigues

Oferecido pelo CESEM (Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical – FCSH/UNL)

Informações e programa aqui

1 de julho de 2010

Workshop-i Transnational family making: children, young people and migration

Title: Workshop-i Transnational family making: children, young people and migration

Date: 2010-07-15

Description: European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre
for Advanced Studies is inviting papers for its 12th
Mediterranean Research Meeting: 6 - 9 April 2011, Florence.
Call for papers: Workshop Transnational family making:
children, young people and migration The workshop welcomes
presentations that ex ...

Contact: pantea@policy.hu

URL: www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/RobertSchumanCentre/Research/InternationalTransnationalRelations/MediterraneanProgramme/MRM/MRM2011/ws12.aspx

Announcement ID: 177144


25 de junho de 2010

Eurochild’s 7th annual conference

Brighter futures - Building effective partnerships to end child poverty
Örebro Castle, Sweden
3-5th November 2010

Eurochild’s 7th annual conference is hosted by the Regional Development Council of Örebro.
2010 is the European Year against poverty and social exclusion. Child poverty is on the top of the political agenda. Eurochild – a European network of organisations promoting the rights and welfare of children in Europe – takes the opportunity of its 7th annual conference to look at how all stakeholders can work together to end child poverty.  The conference is co-hosted by the Regional Development Council of Örebro, member of Eurochild.
Children have the highest stake in an inclusive, prosperous Europe. Poverty and social exclusion are a denial of children’s rights, which can undermine their development and limit the realisation of their full potential. Ending child poverty is the most effective means of achieving long-term social cohesion and equality.

24 de junho de 2010

Consulta pública sobre os direitos da criança

A Comissão Europeia lança uma consulta pública sobre os direitos da criança.

A decorrer de 11 de Junho até 20 de Agosto de 2010, esta consulta tem como principal objectivo ajudar a definir uma nova estratégia da UE sobre os direitos da criança. Abrangerá questões como a justiça adaptada às crianças,a violência contra as crianças, a pobreza infantil e a participação das crianças (disponível em inglês).
A Comissão publicará um relatório de síntese de todos os contributos recebidos no âmbito desta consulta e utilizará os resultados para elaborar uma nova comunicação em matéria de direitos da criança para o período 2011-2014.
Questionários e outras informações:

22 de junho de 2010

CFP: Childhoods Conference: Mapping the Landscapes of Childhood

University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
May 5 – Saturday, May 7, 2011
Submission: October 1, 2010

This multidisciplinary conference will engage scholars and practitioners from a wide variety of academic disciplines (including the sciences, arts, humanities, social sciences, policy studies, and education) in a consideration of the state of child studies, which has changed significantly in recent decades. Disciplines long dedicated to the study of the child, and childhood, have been recently revitalized and are engaged with the central problematic of what the child and childhood represent, including how these categories relate to others such as infant and youth. Figured in the plural, childhoods pose a significant crossroads for theoretical and empirical work on the nature of being human and development broadly construed.(...)

See here complete CFP, deadlines, keynote speakers

21 de junho de 2010

Revue Strenæ (AFRELOCE)

La revue Strenæ est publiée par l’Association Française de Recherches sur les Livres et Objets Culturels de l’Enfance (Afreloce), avec le soutien du Centre National de Littérature pour la Jeunesse – Joie par les Livres / BNF.
Réunissant des chercheurs de toutes disciplines, elle vise à faire connaître et dynamiser les travaux français sur la littérature et l’édition pour la jeunesse, mais aussi sur l’imagerie enfantine, le jeu et le jouet, la culture matérielle et orale de l’enfance, dans une perspective historique, littéraire, esthétique ou encore sociologique. Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique accompagné d’un recueil de varia. La rubrique « Fonds d’archives et collections » présente à chaque fois un fonds particulier, collection de documents mise en valeur par son conservateur ou son inventeur, en vue de sa valorisation par des travaux scientifiques que la revue souhaiterait susciter. Enfin la rubrique « comptes-rendus » offre un regard critique exigeant sur la production scientifique récente consacrée aux livres et objets de l’enfance.

9 de junho de 2010

Crianças na Diáspora Portuguesa - Texto e Fotografias

"Comunidades" (RTP / Açores) convidou-me para escrever um pequeno texto sobre o blogue Crianças na Diáspora Portuguesa e o meu atual projeto de investigação Infância, Migrações e Diversidade Cultural.

Está publicado em duas partes: TEXTO e FOTOS (ou procurem no arquivo na coluna da direita no "Comunidades", dia 6 de Junho de 2010).

Agradeço a Irene Blayer (Brock University, Ontário, Canadá) pelo interesse e disponibilidade.

Ângela Nunes

8 de junho de 2010

IX Congreso de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe

Del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2010 se realizará en Guatemala el IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. Toda la información concerniente como la convocatoria, estructura y metodología, inscripción, actividades preparatorias, auspiciadores y logística se halla en el sitio Web: http://ixeib.org/.

Ya se encuentra en circulación la convocatoria efectuada por un Comité Organizador formado por representantes del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala, organizaciones indígenas, universidades y la cooperación internacional.

Para el efecto se ha constituido asimismo un Grupo consultivo conformado por líderes indígenas y no indígenas, analistas políticos y académicos, y que prestará apoyo académico-político.

El Grupo consultivo funciona como un auditor social a lo externo del comité organizador, tanto en las fases de planificación, ejecución y desarrollo del Congreso, como sus perspectivas de seguimiento y vinculación con las políticas educativas del país anfitrión y los países latinoamericanos convocados.

Violence and liminality: violent transitions from childhood to adulthood in a global context

June 18th

Seminar on Youth and Transition

Violence and liminality: violent transitions from childhood to adulthood in a global context


Moving from the beginning of childhood to the end of childhood, this seminar focuses on the role of violence in the transition to adulthood. The concept behind the seminar is "liminality" or the space between childhood and adulthood. As children or young people enter into this conceptual space, they are particularly vulnerable to being both perpetrators and victims of violence. For boys, especially, the peformance of violence or the ability to withstand violence or pain may be thought of as central mechanisms through which the transition to normative masculine adulthood is made. Through the exploration of these issues, the seminar considers how violence publicly marks boys' transition to hegemonic adult masculinity in the context of political violence

Practitioners/policy: to be confirmed
Academics: Dr Nicolas Argenti, Brunel University; Professor Filip de Boeck, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Dr Margarita Palacious, Birkbeck College.
If you would like to come and you have not already registered please email Karen Wells k.wells@bbk.ac.uk to reserve a place.


7 de junho de 2010

Transnational family making: children, young people and migration (workshop)

Whilst children and young people are often at the core of the migration flows toward EU countries ("on the move", "left behind" or as main "rationale" for migration), they do not always receive the proper academic interest. This workshop aims to explore the migratory experiences of families (including children and young people) and to examine how policy-makers and service-providers assist children and families in this process. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between otherwise separated scholarships on immigration and emigration, by exploring the understanding of migration from home and host societies.
The workshop welcomes presentations that explore children, young people and parents own experiences of migration, but also papers that critically examine the policy provisions and social interventions aimed at children, young people and parents in the origin and arrival countries.

Deadline for online submission: 15 July 2010.
More information at http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/RobertSchumanCentre/Research/InternationalTransnationalRelations/MediterraneanProgramme/MRM/MRM2011/ws12.aspx

Project: Transnational child-raising arrangements between Angola and Portugal (Vacancy)

Coordination of the Project: Prof. Dr. Marzia Grassi

A two-year fully funded post-doc position is available within the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) of the Universidade de Lisboa, commencing in June 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter, under the supervision of Prof. Marzia Grassi.
The ICS-UL is looking for a researcher with a PhD degree in the area of social sciences to work on a project on the functioning of transnational child-raising arrangements for Angolan parents living in Portugal.


1 de junho de 2010

Exploring childhood studies: LISTSERVE at Rutgers University-Camden

The Department of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden are excited to announce a new listserve catering to the multi-disciplinary field of Childhood Studies. Those of us who study issues around children and childhood are in far flung departments and professions, separated by disciplinary boundaries.  This listserve will be a vital point of connection for scholars and practitioners in the multi-disciplinary field and serve a much needed function as a central clearinghouse of information for our disparate field. We welcome Calls for Papers, Announcements of conferences, events, new books, articles and other resources, requests for information, and information on new programs and departments. This list will also provide an opportunity to find people with similar interests across our broad field and open up discussion within it.

To join, please go to: https://email.rutgers.edu/mailman/listinfo/exploring_childhood_studies


Patrick Cox and Anandini Dar
Department of Childhood Studies
Rutgers University-Camden

28 de maio de 2010

CFP: IV Seminário Internacional de Fronteiras Étnicos-Culturais e Fronteiras da Exclusão

20 a 23 de Setembro de 2010
Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande – MS

Os debates sobre a cultura, identidade e diferença ocupam cada vez mais a agenda de pesquisadores, educadores, participantes de movimentos sociais, instituições, órgãos responsáveis pelas políticas públicas e outros. Assim, os objetivos deste IV Seminário Internacional são: socializar posturas epistemológicas utilizadas em pesquisas envolvendo grupos indígenas, identidade negra e movimentos sociais; dialogar sobre políticas e práticas educativas nestes contextos interculturais e promover o encontro de diferentes grupos culturais e movimentos sociais.
INSCRIÇÃO: 15 de junho a 15 de setembro
15 de junho a 15 de agosto de 2010
Para submeter trabalho é obrigatória a inscrição no evento. O valor, em caso de não aprovação do trabalho, não será devolvido. Cada trabalho deve indicar o grupo temático e ser desmembrado em dois arquivos: um com título, autores/instituição, resumo e palavras-chave e outro com título, autores/instituição e texto completo.

CFP: 2º Colóquio Internacional Manuais Escolares e Dinâmica da Aprendizagem. Manuais escolares e mudanças nos discursos e práticas

10 e 11 de Setembro de 2010 Auditório Vítor de Sá, ULHT

A Comissão Científica e a Comissão Organizadora apelam à participação de todos os interessados nesta problemática até dia 2 de Setembro serão recebidos resumos de comunicações e até 17 de Outubro os respetivos textos, enviados para sec.iceducacao@ulusofona.pt
Publicar-se-á em livro uma seleção das comunicações com base em critérios de qualidade da pesquisa. Todos os textos serão publicados no portal da UID CeiEF (Centro de Estudos e Intervenção em Educação e Formação - ULHT).  Línguas previstas para o colóquio: português, francês, castelhano e inglês.

Oradores convidados:
Vítor Duarte Teodoro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
François-Marie Gerard (BIEF, Bélgica)
Sérgio Claudino (Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território)
Ana Badanelli Rubio (Projeto MANES – Espanha)

Colóquio "A Educação na República: Passado, Presente, Futuro" 22 de Outubro - h. 09.00 - Anfiteatro A1 - Complexo Pedagógico I (Campus de Gualtar)

No contexto das comemorações do Centenário da Implantação da República (1910-2010), o Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho promove o Colóquio "A Educação na República: Passado, Presente, Futuro", reunindo em Braga, ao longo de um dia e meio de trabalho, alguns dos mais reputados investigadores portugueses em educação. O Colóquio incide sobre um variado leque de temas - os actores educativos, a
governação da educação e a aprendizagem ao longo da vida, os movimentos pedagógicos, as reformas e a mudança em educação, as ideias pedagógicas, a ciência e a cidadania, o futuro da educação pública e da escola democrática -, e é especialmente dirigido a professores e educadores, estudantes do ensino superior, sindicatos e associações de professores, escolas e centros de formação, autarquias locais, associações e organizações não governamentais que intervêm em projectos e acções de educação formal e não formal.

Mais informação em https://sites.google.com/site/aeducacaonarepublica/

Children´s Play: new goals for the future

Meses atrás anunciámos o CFP desta conferência.
Vale a pena conferir o programa:

21 de maio de 2010

Vacancy Children and Youth Studies

The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) is a leading academic centre for development studies, and a University Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). It is one of the oldest institutes in this field, having been established in 1952 by Dutch universities and the Netherlands Ministry of Education as a postgraduate institute for education, research and capacity building. The institute offers a 15.5-month MA in Development studies with various specializations, post-graduate Diploma courses and a PhD in Development Studies. Studies come from over 50-60 countries, and teaching and research programs are conducted in English.

The Staff Group Rural Development, Environment and Population Studies has a vacancy for an academic position in the field of:

Children and Youth Studies

Complete info here

IRINs new film series "Kids in the City"

IRIN is pleased to announce the launch of its new series of short films illustrating the challenges that children face living in the cities of the developing world.
The first two chapters of our "Kids in the City" series, look at South Africa's rape crisis - where as many as 40 percent of rape victims are under the age of 18 - and the hundreds of Sierra Leonean children who work breaking rocks for construction in order to pay for their school fees.
Breaking Stones http://www.irinnews.org/film/?id=4211
Surviving Rape http://www.irinnews.org/film/?id=4210
Like the 55 other humanitarian films we have produced, these films can be streamed or downloaded in high resolution from our website and are free to use for broadcast, conferences and workshops.
For more information please contact David Gough on gough@irinnews.org or Sheila Koskei on sheila@irinnews.org.

18 de maio de 2010

Les Jeunes Lusophones de France

Cahiers lusophones
N° 37 - avril 2010

Études /Estudos
Parution du dernier numéro de la revue "LATITUDES-Cahiers lusophones", avec un dossier spécial sur Les jeunes lusophones de France.

75, rue de Bagnolet
75020 Paris


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Auditório 3
7 de Junho 2010, 14h30

Por toda a Europa têm surgido estudos que procuram aferir o sucesso escolar das populações migrantes. Para além dos contextos socioeconómicos e familiares que contribuem para justificar diferentes trajectórias escolares, impõe-se reflectir sobre o modo como a Escola, enquanto instituição do Estado, e os seus agentes, enquanto tradutores de orientações institucionais, vêem a diversidade que caracteriza actualmente o espaço escolar.
No encontro ESTADO, ESCOLA E DIVERSIDADE vão ser apresentados e discutidos os resultados do inquérito nacional realizado no âmbito do projecto com o mesmo nome, desenvolvido pelo CesNova Migrações, com financiamento da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (IME/SDE/81861/2006).
Este encontro servirá também para olhar para Portugal numa perspectiva comparada, contando para o efeito com a participação de investigadores europeus e norte-americanos.

Focus on Children and Youth - 1st June celebrating international children's day

A full-day event dedicated to children and youth organised by European Foundation Center - Children and Youth Interest Group.

For the full programme: http://www.efc.be/AgaConference/Pages/Sessiondescription.aspx#t

CFP: Call for papers for REE European Review of ethnographic studies in education - n. 10 SPACE AND TERRITORIES

The objective of the Review REE, permits the place for an exchange of work, the title Space and Territory announces that all contributions writing about this concept, whether their orientation be anthropologic, historical, geographical, architectural etc., will all come together in the spirit of ethnographic work and shall give expression to the experience of this terrain.
The number 10 of the REE, to appear in 2011, proposes nevertheless some orientations:
One of the characteristics of the review is the deference for linguistic diversity. The authors are free to choose the language in which they wish to write their text. The articles are to be sent in attachment, as a WORD document, to the email address chrisesc@uma.pt, until September 15.

For the CFP full text contact:
Christine Escallier Universidade da Madeira CCCS Campus da Penteada 9000 Funchal-Madeira - Portugal Courriel : chrisesc@uma.pt Tél : 00351 96 670 66 46
Denis Biget 1, place des pêcheurs 29100 Douarnenez - France Courriel : denis.biget@ac-rennes.fr

CFP: XI Congress of AEPEC "From Exclusion to excellence: Organizational pathways for Education Quality", 16-18 September 2010 - University of Évora

The XI Congress of AEPEC (Association of Multidimensional Education and Cultural School) will be held in Évora, Portugal, on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of September, with the central theme: From Exclusion to excellence: Organizational pathways for Education Quality.
We invite you to submit your abstracts and participate in this congress which seeks to give wide expression to the research that has been produced in order to understand the phenomena of exclusion – regarded as their multiple expressions – as well as the political and organizational solutions that have been proposed lately.

The deadline for abstract submission is 31st May 2010.

Abstract submission and Registration: http://www.xiaepec.uevora.pt/

CFP: Education and Citizenship in a Globalising World, 19-20 November 2010 - Institute of Education University of London

The third international education conference convened jointly by the Institute of Education (IOE), London and Beijing Normal University (BNU). The languages of the conference will be English and Mandarin Chinese.
Contributions are welcome from academics and researchers from education, sociology, politics and other relevant disciplines, as well as teachers, political or community activists, and those working for NGOs, national or local government agencies. The conference sub-themes are listed below:
1. Moral Education, Values and Citizenship
2. Sustainability, Development and Global Citizenship
3. Multicultural Education, Diversity and Social Cohesion
4. Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Education

Abstracts of around 1000 words in length should be should be submitted by 11 June 2010 to internationaloffice@ioe.ac.uk

For further details see website: http://www.ioe.ac.uk/about/37498.html

6 de maio de 2010

EUROPE: European Commission steps up protection for unaccompanied minors

06.05.2010 / News release

The European Commission has adopted an Action Plan to improve the protection of unaccompanied minors entering the EU. The plan stipulates common standards for guardianship and legal representation. (...)
The exact number of unaccompanied minors coming into Europe remains unknown. However, data from Eurostat indicate that in 2009, 10,960 unaccompanied minors filed applications for asylum in 22 Member States (excluding Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Poland and Romania), which represents an increase of 13 per cent compared to 2008 when there were 9,695 asylum applications.
The Action Plan is based on the following ten principles: read more here!

5 de maio de 2010

Children and freedom of expression in a nutshell

Freedom of expression is rarely part of children’s rights advocacy – at least as a stand-alone issue - yet it is critical for the realisation of all children’s rights (as well as for our work here at CRIN!). In fact, this right is a good marker for gauging perceptions of children in any society, because the extent to which children are able to express their opinions and feelings can show how much they are recognised as rights holders. And if children are restricted from holding or expressing opinions, or from receiving information through the media (subject to certain, limited, exceptions), how can they describe the ways in which their rights are being respected, fulfilled and respected, or, on the other hand, infringed? Similarly, organisations and media outlets such as CRIN must, in all countries in all regions of the world, feel secure in the knowledge that the information they disseminate will not be subject to unreasonable interference. Read more...

4 de maio de 2010

Possibilities and Challenges of Child Right Research in Developing Countries

21 May – 13.30-15.30 hrs
Venue: VU University Amsterdam, Metropolitan Building, Room Z-113

Children's Rights
Lecture by Dr. Jacobijn Olthoff and Azza Abdelmoneium (Master's programme in Children's Rights, University of Amsterdam) followed by discussion.
Children’s right gained a lot of recognition and attention in the past 20 years in academic and non-academic fields. Dr. Jacobijn Olthoff and Dr. Azza Abdelmoneium will explain research from a child right perspective and elaborate on its implications and the overlaps with research approaches in other academic fields in science. Taking Sudan as a case study, the discussion will focus on the challenges of research in developing countries.
Poster of the seminar (download)
Please register for this seminar by sending an e-mail to childrenseminar@hotmail.com

Prevenção da exposição de crianças ao Fumo Ambiental de Tabaco (FAT) no seu domicílio (bolsa de investigação)

Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação no âmbito do projecto PTDC/CPE-CED/098281/2008 -“Prevenção da exposição de crianças ao Fumo Ambiental de Tabaco (FAT) no seu domicílio”, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). A bolsa terá a duração de 12 meses, com início previsto para 20 de Junho de 2010, em regime de exclusividade. As candidaturas deverão ser enviadas pelo correio normal entre os dias 10 e 26 de Maio de 2010.

3 de maio de 2010

CFP: IV Seminário Internacional: fronteiras étnico-culturais e fronteiras da exclusão.

20 a 23 de setembro de 2010
UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Campo Grande/MS

Promover a reflexão e o diálogo entre pesquisadores e representantes de movimentos sociais de diferentes estados do Brasil e de diferentes países sobre a escola como tempo/espaço de negociação das identidades/diferenças. Fomentar o fortalecimento e a formação de redes de pesquisa regionais, nacionais e internacionais que tenham como foco a escola como tempo/espaço de negociação das identidades/diferenças.
1- Escola e os indígenas
2 - Escola e identidade/diferença negra
3 - Escola e movimentos sociais populares
4 - Escola e identidade /diferença cultural
5- Escola, identidade e gênero
6 - Práticas pedagógicas interculturais nas escolas e formação docente
7 - Políticas educacionais/gestão da escola/formação docente
8 - Escola, saúde, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento local
Resumo e texto completo: 15 de junho a 15 de agosto de -2010
Contato: Adir Casaro Nascimento 67 3312 3597/ 67 9229 6477

23 de abril de 2010

International conference: "Children and War: Past and Present"

University of Salzburg (Austria) from Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd 2010

The aim is to bring together scholars from various academic disciplines, practitioners in the field, representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions and the media, who are engaged in research on any topic and theme on ‘Children and War’, ranging from the experience of war, flight, displacement and resettlement, relief and rehabilitation work, gender issues, persecution, trafficking, abuse and prostitution, trauma and amnesia, the trans-generational impact of persecution, individual and collective memory, educational issues, films and documentaries, artistic and literary approaches, to remembrance and memorials, and questions of theory and methodology.
Further information: http://www.wlv.ac.uk/childrenandwar

‘Writing childhood’: Inaugural meeting of the CCWW cross-cultural seminar

The first meeting of this seminar series develops the topic of the CCWW - Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing launch event, held on 16 October 2009, when three authors (from Austria, Italy and Portugal) came to London to read from and discuss their work on 'writing childhood'.
Programme available at:  http://igrs.sas.ac.uk/index.php?id=471

Registrations are still most welcome for the below cross-cultural seminar at IGRS. Bookings and Catering numbers are needed by end of this month. There is no charge for attendance. Refreshments and lunch will be provided, so we would be grateful if participants could register by emailing igrs@sas.ac.uk.

22 de abril de 2010

“Children coming alone as migrants should not be automatically returned” says Commissioner Hammarberg launching the “Human Rights Comment”

[21/04/10 10:00] “Every day unaccompanied migrant children arrive in Europe, but their needs are not always duly met. Whatever possible difficulties of integration and accommodation they might face here, a humane society should take their problems more seriously and avoid sending them back regardless of the consequences.” With these words, Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, published today an article on the rights of unaccompanied migrant children, the first of a series to be published in the “Commissioner’s Human Rights Comment”. The Commissioner observes with concern the practice of quickly returning children to new reception centres established in their country of origin. “Authorities in Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom are reported to be looking into the possibility of sending children back to such institutions in Afghanistan, Iraq or a couple of countries in Africa” he said. (more)
Info: Council of Europe
Link to the "Commissioner’s Human Rights Comment"

Children, Families and the Migration Experience: Opportunities and Challenges

Middlesex University, Hendon Campus
London, NW4 4BT, UK

In recent years new patterns of migration to Britain and other European states have emerged associated with, for example, EU enlargement. These have had diverse implications for family migration strategies. In contrast to historical patterns of migration which were generally perceived as involving long term or permanent settlement, this new migration often involves more transitory patterns of mobility.
Nevertheless, short term stay may be extended over time often leading to family reunion and family formation. The impact of this new migratory strategies, especially on children, is beginning to be explored by
researchers and to spark interest among policy makers and service providers as they respond to new needs, for example of new arrivals in schools. This conference will bring together research on a range of issues
relevant to this new phenomenon.

Specific themes will include:
* Current migration patterns, family strategies and family reunion
* Migrants from the new EU states
* The emotional impact of migration
* New arrivals and the transition to schooling
* Migration, education and parental expectations
* Language acquisition, language transition and bi-lingualism
Full programme and booking form

Simposio Internacional: Procreación, Crianza y Género. Aproximaciones antropológicas a la parentalidad

13 y 14 de mayo de 2010
Sala de Graus - Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Organiza: GETP (Grup d’Estudi Transcultural del Parentiu) - GRAFO (Grup de Recerca en Antropologia Fonamental i Orientada) de la UAB
Comité organizador: Virgínia Fons, Anna Piella, María Valdés

El propósito del Simposio es difundir resultados del proyecto que está desarrollando el GETP (Teoría transcultural de la reproducción de los grupos humanos) y confrontarlos con los de especialistas de otros centros de investigación que trabajan en este área, con orientaciones teóricas distintas, fortaleciendo las redes de intercambio y contraste teórico. El principal objetivo se orienta hacia la presentación de diferentes formas de parentalidad humana y la discusión conjunta en la línea de la propuesta de definición del dominio analítico transcultural de la antropología del parentesco planteada por el GETP. Dicha propuesta analiza el parentesco como el dominio formado por los fenómenos socioculturales vistos desde la perspectiva de la reproducción del grupo a través de la regulación de la procreación, la adscripción y la crianza de los niños; así como por las relaciones y representaciones que se generan y se instituyen entre las personas implicadas en estos procesos.
Info e programa: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grafo/content/simposio-internacional

21 de abril de 2010

Livro "La infancia en el Chile republicano. 200 años en imágenes"

"La infancia en el Chile republicano. 200 años en imágenes" by Jorge Rojas Flores
Edited by Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles, Santiago, 2010, 285 pp.
(illustrated book: more than 600 pictures)

Download from:

Current Sociology

A revista Current Sociology - March 2010, Volume 58, No. 2 - é inteiramente dedicada aos temas da infância e crianças.
Informação enviada pela colega Ethel Kosminsky (obrigada!) ao grupo google Antropologia da Infância e da Criança.

20 de abril de 2010

Conjugalidade e parentalidade nas recomposições familiares

Realiza-se amanhã, quarta-feira, 21 de Abril, a próxima sessão de Workshops de Investigação do CIES, ISCTE-IUL. A sessão "Conjugalidade e parentalidade nas recomposições familiares", será apresentada por Cristina Lobo.
O workshop realizar-se-á, entre as 13h30 e as 14h30, na sala B202 (Ed. II, ISCTE-IUL).

16 de abril de 2010

Ciclo de Cinema: Maus-tratos na Infância

Info: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa

OLHAR-SE AO ESPELHO: Reflexividade – Avaliação – Decisão

Colóquio Escola Pública
Reflexividade – Avaliação – Decisão
22 de Maio
Teatro Diogo Bernardes, Ponte de Lima

O CENFIPE – Centro de Formação e Inovação dos Profissionais de Educação das Escolas Associadas do Alto Lima e Paredes de Coura leva a efeito, no próximo dia 22 de Maio de 2010, no Teatro Diogo Bernardes, em Ponte de Lima, um Colóquio com proeminentes conferencistas no âmbito da Educação nacional e Internacional.
Com este colóquio queremos reflectir sobre as questões teóricas, técnicas e éticas da Avaliação das Escolas destacando aspectos orientadores que possibilitem as melhores escolhas/decisões com vista à melhoria da acção educativa e dos resultados alcançados. Queremos dar um contributo inequívoco no sentido de promover a consolidação de processos de melhoria contínua das Escolas no pressuposto de uma “liderança e mudança educativa sustentável (A. Hargreaves)”.
Mais informações e programa: http://www.cenfipe.edu.pt/

14 de abril de 2010

Bem-Estar das Crianças e Intervenção Contra a Pobreza Infantil

A Rede Europeia Anti- Pobreza Portugal (REAPN) vai realizar durante o mês de Maio de 2010 uma Acção de Formação denominada”Bem-Estar das Crianças e Intervenção Contra a Pobreza Infantil” divida em três Módulos de 6 horas. Esta iniciativa integra-se no âmbito do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Pobreza Infantil que a REAPN dinamiza e que conta com a participação de um conjunto variado de entidades públicas e privadas que trabalham no dominio da infância e de um conjunto de personalidades em nome individual ligadas a Universidades e Centros de Investigação.
A data limite de inscrição é 30 de Abril de 2010.
Mais informações: http://www.reapn.org/

12 de abril de 2010

CFP: Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures

Housed in the Centre for Research in Young People’s Texts and Cultures (CRYTC) and produced under the sponsorship of the Associate Vice-President (Research) and the Dean of Arts at the University of Winnipeg, with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is an interdisciplinary, refereed academic journal whose mandate is to publish research on and to provide a forum for discussion about cultural productions for, by, and about young people. Our scope is international; while we have a special interest in Canada, we welcome submissions concerning all areas and cultures. The focus of the journal is on the cultural functions and representations of “the child.” This can include children’s and young adult literature and media; young people’s material culture, including toys; digital culture and young people; historical and contemporary constructions, functions, and roles of “the child” and adolescents; and literature, art, and films by children and young adults. We welcome articles in both English and French. Jeunesse was formerly Canadian Children’s Literature/Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse.
More information on how to submit papers and how to subscribe can be found on our website: http://jeunessejournal.ca/
Our review essay and forum sections are open access.
To recommend Jeunesse to your institution's library, download our form here


No próximo dia 15 de Abril de 2010, terá lugar no Parque de Exposições da Associação Empresarial de Paços de Ferreira o 1.º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar.
Como refere a organização, o evento "cobre várias áreas da Saúde Escolar: educação, alimentar, actividade física, comportamento alimentar e educação sexual."
INFORMAÇÕES: Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar
Se acha que esta informação é importante para outras pessoas, partilhe-a com elas. Não pare o conhecimento.
E se quiser saber mais sobre nós, visite-nos em http://www.fpce.up.pt/

CFP: Family Policies in International Perspectives

Journal of Child and Family Studies 
Guest Editor: Mihaela Robila, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Family Studies, Queens College,
City University of New York 
The Journal of Child and Family Studies is organizing a Special Issue on “Family Policies in International Perspectives”.  The purpose of this special issue is to provide a comprehensive coverage of family policy issues of international importance and develop a collection of articles that explore the different types of explicit and implicit family policies around the world, with a wide geographical representation, addressing policy development, implementation and evaluation. 
Potential contributors are invited to submit their papers by October 15, 2010.
More info: http://www.editorialmanager.com/jcfs.
For inquires please contact Mihaela Robila, the Guest Editor at Mihaela.Robila@qc.cuny.edu

Starlight and Shadows: Images of Lost and Othered Children in Contemporary Cinema

Seeking original articles for an edited collection about lost and “Othered” children in contemporary cinema (from 1980 to the present). In contrast to traditional portraits of sweetness and light, there is a large body of cinematic works that provide a counter note of darkness to the more common notion of the innocent and pure child. These films depict childhood as a site of knowingness, despair, sexuality, death, and even madness. Starlight and Shadows [tentative title] explores this filmic imagining of the dark side of childhood.
Lost children are involuntary wanderers who are victimized, exploited, abandoned. Children who are “Othered” are forced to the fringes of childhood, are ostracized, ignored, victims of colonization, or part of Diasporas. These children navigate their way through the world living in the shadow of happy families, in murky or threatening environs, or living a form of placelessness. They must depend on their wits or, in some cases, on otherworldly influences. They negotiate a darkness that negates the Romantic view of childhood innocence.
Submissions to Starlight and Shadows can include, but are not limited to, depictions of children negotiating race, gender, class, mental illness, forced migration, superstitions, peer pressure, crime, or other social and material conditions in which the film constructs a child character positioned outside the romantic notion of the child. Essays that take a child-centric approach, interrogate the idea of the Western romanticized child, or that draw upon multi-disciplinary theoretical frameworks including psychology, film studies, literature, women studies, and queer studies are encouraged.  Contributions should be academic in nature and follow MLA documentation.

Contributors please send a 200-500 word abstract, or, if complete, the full essay, a short biography, and complete contact information to Debbie Olson, debbieo@okstate.edu
Deadline for abstracts is August 1, 2010. Full essays are due no later than December 31, 2010.

10 de abril de 2010

CFP: "The Spirituality of Children at War" International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, Volume (15) 2010

This issue will investigate children's spirituality in times of war. The focus will be upon the relationships between children's spirituality and their encounter with trauma, viciousness and atrocity. War will be understood in the widest sense and cover the full range of terrorist attacks, political and religious violence, mass traumatic events, the direct exposure to destruction, chaos, viciousness, atrocity in civil, political, social and cultural arenas and their environmental context.
Guest Editor: Dr Zehavit Gross of the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel. Email: grossz@mail.biu.ac.il. Contributions should be submitted by email and can be emailed by May, 1 2010 directly to Zehavit or alternatively to Dr Cathy Ota, Editor, 31 Vale Road, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1GD, United Kingdom. Email: cathy@cathyota.com

Para pedir o texto completo do CFP: grossz@mail.biu.ac.il

30 de março de 2010

5º Ciclo de Conferências em Educação Física e Lazer

O Departamento de Teoria da Educação e Educação Artística e Física do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho vai promover em Março e Abril o 5º Ciclo de Conferências em Educação Física e Lazer, no âmbito do Mestrado em Estudos da Criança na especialização de Educação Física e Lazer. As sessões decorrem das 9h às 12h na sala 1214 do Complexo Pedagógico I, no Campus de Gualtar, em Braga. A entrada é livre.
Informação completa

Conferência: Children and Information and Communication Technology Challenges

Ciclo de Conferências Doutorais 2009/2010
Audiório do Centro Multimédia - Instituto de Educação, quinta-feira, 08-04-2010
No âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências Doutorais, o professor David Benzie, da Universidade de Plymouth (Reino Unido), aborda a 8 de Abril o tema "Children and Information and Communication Technology Challenges".

26 de março de 2010

Brasil Plural: conhecimentos, saberes tradicionais e direito à diversidade

CFP: 27ª Reunião da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia
01 a 04 de Agosto de 2010
Campus da Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém.

10/04/2010 – Final da submissão de resumos para GTs e MRs
Todas as informações aqui

Anthropology of Children Working Group (Seminars VU Amsterdam)

The Contours of Belonging: Legality, Race, Class and Generation in the US
Lecture by Dr. Irene Bloemraad (University of California, Berkeley) followed by discussion.
15 April 2010 – 14.30-16.30 hrs
Venue: VU University Amsterdam, Metropolitan Building, Room Z-113
Abstract: Of the more than 38 million foreign-born residents of the United States, roughly a third are naturalized US citizens, a third are legal permanent residents and a third are undocumented migrants without legal papers. The children of these people, if born in the United States, are automatically US citizens. Traditional accounts of political socialization expect that these children will learn about politics and civic engagement from their parents. But what happens when parents are immigrants, especially when their legal status prevents direct participation in the formal political system?
Read more: Poster of the seminar
Anthropology of Children Working Group

What are the ways to make sure that young people’s voices are heard in your community?

International Year of Youth
12. Aug. 2010 - 11. Aug. 2011
“The International Year is about advancing the full and effective participation of youth in all aspects of society. We encourage all sectors of society to work in partnership with youth and youth organizations to better understand their needs and concerns and to recognize the contributions that they can make to society."
Read more: International Year of Youth

25 de março de 2010

CFP (special issue): The Journal of Media Literacy Education

JMLE invites submissions for a special theme issue exploring the relationship between media literacy and digital media and learning. New norms of online participation are emerging as part of child and adolescent socialization. However, some scholars with interests in digital media and learning position their work at a distance from the practice of media literacy education, privileging the study of user behavior, social connectivity and participation and dismissing practices associated with message interpretation, critical analysis and inquiry, and communication skill development. In this issue, we are interested in exploring both the areas of disjuncture and areas of overlap, aiming to conceptualize new ideas that may fuel the development of both fields. Your work may be framed around scholarship and practice in education, media studies, cultural studies, or other fields.

23 de março de 2010

CFP: ECSR/TransEurope/QMSS II Conference - Analysing Education, Family, Work and Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and Empirical Evidence

September 30-October 2nd 2010, Bamberg, Germany

The European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) and the European Science Foundation (ESF) Social Science Networking Programmes "TransEurope - Transnationalisation and Changing Life Course Inequalities" and "Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS) 2" will join forces to organise a three-day conference to be held in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bamberg, Germany.
The conference, entitled "Analysing Education, Family, Work and Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and Empirical Evidence" aims to bring together researchers in the area of internationally comparative research on socio-economic change from all across Europe and beyond to present and discuss their recent methodological approaches and empirical findings.
Deadline for a submission of paper abstracts no longer than 200 words is 31st March, 2010.
Ver informação completa

19 de março de 2010

CFP: "Juventude: Questões, Desafios e Políticas Públicas" (Revista Bahia Análise e Dados)

A partir de 15 de março de 2010, a Revista Bahia Análise & Dados aceitará, para fins de apreciação, artigos para um volume cujo tema é Juventude: questões, desafios e políticas públicas. Esse periódico é publicado trimestralmente pela Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia (SEI), órgão vinculado à Secretaria do Planejamento estadual.
Data limite para recebimento de artigos: 14 de junho de 2010
Coordenação editorial: Thaiz Silveira Braga e Laumar Neves de Souza

Para pedir o texto completo do CFP: aedjuventude@sei.ba.gov.br
Telefones: (71) 3115-4824; 3115-4707

Vamos Cuidar do Planeta (projeto infanto-juvenil da CPLP)

A Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa criou um projeto para incentivar a participação de seus países-membros na Confint2010: a Conferência Internacional Infanto-Juvenil para o meio ambiente – Vamos Cuidar do Planeta. Este é o blog que acompanha todas as atividades que jovens, educadores e comunicadores estão realizando em Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor-Leste como parte do projeto.
As etapas incluem a formação de professores para que organizem conferências em suas escolas, reunindo jovens de 12 a 15 anos para debater as conseqüências das mudanças climáticas para o meio ambiente local, regional e global. Cada escola enviará seus próprios representantes às conferências nacionais de cada país. É nessa Conferência Nacional que será formado o grupo de jovens que representará seu país na Conferência Internacional entre 5 e 10 de junho de 2010 em Brasília.
Mais informação: Vamos Cuidar do Planeta